Chapter 50

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Almost immediately, I can feel my heart start slamming into my chest, and my hands begin to shake. I pinch myself. This can't be happening, not now! 

"You okay?" Jestro puts a hand on my shoulder. I blink.

"Yeah, I'm..." Slam. "fine." I can see Jestro frown, but he nods anyway. The other knights walk out into the heat. I can hear Lance and Macy groan in unison. 

"I haven't been here in a while," Macy frowns. "It seems hotter,"

"It probably is," Axl points to the light of a fire coming from the glassless windows. I gulp. Slowly we start to head into the back entrance, hesitating to approach the strange new danger. My legs feel weak, but I have to keep going. To help calm myself down, I grip my scythe harder. I can feel my hands tense. We open the gate that will lead us through the back entrance. The sound of metal scraping the ground rings in my ears.

Like flint and steel, I think to myself. I pinch myself harder than before, willing myself to shut the hell up. As we walk through, chanting begins to get progressively louder, and closer. Jestro stops us. 

"Hold on," He says. "I think there might be some booby traps." 

"Nonsense!" Lance says, walking forward. When his foot hits the ground, it crumbles beneath him, leaving only skinny pillars to get us across. At the bottom? Lava. I hold back a gasp. I grab Lance and pull him back before he falls. "Never mind," He mutters.

"How come you didn't mention this before?" Macey glares at Jestro.

"I-I dunno, it was...was really tense, tense and quiet, and-"

"It's fine," I interrupt him before the stuttering gets any worse. As we start crossing the pillars, I lean in close to him. "They're still mad. I'll try to get them to lay off you." 

"Thank you," Jestro whispers back. Jestro crosses the pillars before me; he almost falls, so Axl has to help him. Now it's my turn. Holy crap, my chest is going to explode.

I close my eyes for a quick second.

"Sianna!" Jestro calls from the other side. "Are you coming?" I nod, lips curled upwards into a tense, and failing smile. I take a step onto the first pillar. A small pebble chips off the side and falls down into the lava with a splash. I shudder. 

Move! You don't have much time!

I force myself to hop from pillar to pillar as fast as my crippling fear will let me go. It takes me a minute, but I finally get back across. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my chest. I can feel my heart slow down just a little.

"Good job," Aaron tries to be supportive, but a hint of urgency flashes in the way he says it. We're running out of time. I smile. At least he remembers that I'm scared. We walk a little further, relived.

"I don't think it can get worse than that," I tell Macy. She nods. But, almost on cue, a pack of flaming arrows burst through the wall, and we all duck, crouching on the ground.  Why did Jestro have to make his fort here? I sigh.

I'm going to have to cross through the rest of this.

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