Minho [16]

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Y/N was on her way back from a couple of gruelling hours in the map room with Thomas when thunder began to roll overhead. A few icy cold raindrops landed on her skin, so she simply ran a little quicker towards the homestead to retrieve her discarded dinner.

"Hey, Y/N." Alby threw himself down into a chair across the table from the girl. She looked up to meet his eyes with a mouthful of food. "There's a storm rolling in. Do you mind sharing a room with Minho?"

Y/N held her finger up for a moment as she finished chewing her food before she began her protest. "Can't I share with Newt? Or Winston for that matter? Minho's insufferable."

"Newt's sharing with Chuck and Thomas. Winston is with Clint and Jeff." Alby shook his head.

"Gally?" Y/N scrunched her shoulders and took in a sharp breath through her teeth. Gally wasn't her first choice by any means, but at least he wouldn't wake her up in the middle of the night by holding his stinky socks to her nose.

He once again shut down her request. "He's taken a couple of the builders."

"Ah," Y/N grumbled. "Fine. See you in the morning, Alby!" She smiled and waved him off kindly, despite having to stay with Minho.

Y/N knocked on Minho's door. It'd be nice if he was already asleep and she could climb into the opposite side of the bed, but she doubted that would be the case.

Footsteps thundered across the floor just like the sky outside was and the door flung open at a rapid speed. There, stood a shirtless Minho with raised eyebrows.

It took a moment for his mind to process. When it finally did, he nearly jumped through the roof and tried to cover his upper body with his arms, which completely failed. "WAH! Y/N?!"

The girl stifled a laugh and pushed past Minho, jumping onto his bed. "Roomie." She nodded towards him.

Minho blinked a few times and swallowed hard, arms still crossed over his chest. "Who made this decision?"

Y/N rolled her eyes and looked to him, unimpressed. "Alby. You really wanna question his decision?"

"Right now, yeah. Yeah I do." He stormed out of the room and thunked down the stairs step by step. Y/N laughed to herself and fell back in the bed. Minho would go have his spat with Alby, then come back defeated and lay down. It was like this every time they had to share a room. After he'd complain, throw his fit and then pester Y/N late into the night, he'd finally pass out from exhaustion.

"Alby, what the shuck?"

"Hmm?" The leader turned his head to Minho, crossed his arms and smirked.

Minho's jaw dropped. "You planned this. You shuck—"

"Planned what? I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged.

Shifting his weight and clenching his jaw, Minho was about to kick something. "Y/N. You put Y/N in my room. Again."

"What's the big deal? You're both runners, talk about the maze. All of the other rooms are full. And, of course, you like—"

"WOAH! Woahwoahwoah." Minho lunged forwards and put his hands over Alby's mouth, refusing to let go until the leader surrendered and promised to not finish what he was about to say.

"No." The runner pointed an accusatory finger at Alby. "No. Okay? No."

"Hear that, Zart?" Alby leaned over to the keeper of the gardens. "Minho doesn't like her."

"Pffffft, as if." The blonde boy snickered, crossing his arms.

"What!" Minho cried out, wishing Zart would help defend him. "Zart the fart, c'mon man! You know me!"

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