Sick Day (Part 3)

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(Requested by: fluffymyers)

(Warning: Slight angst)

Manny was laying in his bed with an ice pack on his head. It was flu season and he had caught it. So Harry and Robin were taking care of him.

"Come on now, Manny. Take your medicine." Robin strictly said. Manny crossed his arms and pouted. Robin sighed. "Come on sweetie. Please? I just want you to get better."

Manny sighed. He opened his mouth to let Robin put the spoon with medicine in. Manny gulped and scrunched up his face. The medicine tasted really bitter and gross.

"There! Now was that so hard?" Robin asked, putting the medicine bottle away.

"Yes!" Manny mumbled. Robin smirked and tickled his tummy a bit, making him laugh a bit.

"H-Hehehehehey!" Manny giggled, seating his hand away. Robin chuckled.

"Get some rest, OK?" Robin told him. Manny nodded and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep. Robin kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. Harry was waiting for him outside of the room, looking rather anxious.

"How is he?" Harry asked worriedly.

"His fever hasn't gone down yet..." Robin responds, sighing a bit.

Harry felt a tight knot in his stomach, giving a worried expression. He began to shake a bit as he clenched his fists. Robin took notice quickly. He reached out for Harry's hand and grabbed it, making them unclench.

"Hey it's ok! He's taking his medicine. He'll get better." Robin tried to reassure him, but with no avail.

"I-It's been 3 days Robin...I-I'm scared...A-At this r-rate...Manny will..." Harry couldn't finish his sentence as he collapsed to the floor, sobbing. He shook uncontrollably. Robin quickly went to his side.


"Oh god...I c-can't loose h-him again Robin..." Harry cried.

Robin frowned and hugged Harry tightly. He kissed the red monsters' forehead gently. He knew what he was talking about. Even after they had escaped the show and Roy, Harry still felt guilty for not doing anything sooner. Robin tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, but Harry still felt a lot of guilt.

"Hey..." Robin lifted Harry's head to face him. "'s just the flu. Nothing bad will happen to him. We won't let it happen. I certainly won't let it happen." He reassured him. Harry wiped his tears away, sniffling, and hugged Robin tightly back.

"Y-You're right. Thank you Robin." Harry said, a small smile creeping on his face.

"Of course. You know I hate seeing you cry." Robin responded, also smiling. After a moment, he yawned a bit as his eyes drooped.

"You should rest baby." Harry said, his tears all dried up. "I don't want you getting sick either."

"Heh I am getting quite exhausted." Robin giggled.

"I'll keep an eye on Manny." Harry said, walking towards Manny's room.

"Hehe OK. Goodnight Harry~" Robin said.

"Night Robin~" Harry responded.

~The Next Morning~

Robin was making tea for himself, Manny, and Harry. He put the teacups on a tray and walked to their room. He opened the door and went in to find Harry and Manny sound asleep. Harry was laying next to Manny, snoring loudly.

"Oh Harry...~" Robin cooed quietly.

He woke them up and they all drank tea together.

(Send Requests Pls!)

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