33 | tainted souls

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| meliorism |
chapter thirty-three
the last day ❞

| meliorism |chapter thirty-three❝ the last day ❞

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    There were days in which wishes came true, sometimes they were little and insignificant, but it meant a lot to that person. However, there were days were the worst could happen, over and over again. It was just all a cycle, and no matter how much you wanted it to stop, it didn't.

    Rhena had always tried to look at the positive side of things, no matter how rotten they were. Ignoring the problem wasn't going to make it go away, she knew it, but at least trying to look for alternative options was better than to cry a river.

    Managing her powers was becoming easier each time, even though she still had troubles with it, practicing was going to make it better. She trained and trained, hoping to one day it became a second nature, a reflex where she was used to it, able to control it at her will. She wished that she would be stop being scare of the power in her, but that would take a little more time.

    Inhaling the sweet aroma of the morning, Rhena tried to relaxed and continue training, but something was bothering her. She looked to her side, where her father was drinking some water, but quickly looked away.

    The whole morning, she noticed he had been acting a little strange. He was being too secretive, and she found him deep in thought frequently since last night, when she came home from the dance. She knew something was up, but didn't want to pressure or seem nosey, she was just concerned.

She took a deep breath and turned to see him "dad?" she called and he turn to her straight away.

"Yes, sweetheart?" he raised his eyebrows, anticipating the question she was going to give him.

Putting more weight on one of her doors, she swallowed, hoping he didn't take it bad "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course it is" Charles nodded, smiling lightly to hide the fact that he tensed at the question "why?"

Rhena shook her head "just checking" she shrugged, trying not to make it seem like a big deal.

     Charles held his smile until they began to practice again, hoping she wasn't catching on. He only wanted to have one last peaceful time with her. What was about to happen and what he had arrange were going to make her hate him, but was for the best, everything was in order to protect his own.


The day had been relatively slow, there were barely any customers around, which allowed her to relaxed a little. It was also going to be a short day, her shift ended in a couple of minutes, she was just dying to get out of there.

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