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Vorfruede; the joyful anticipation that comes from imagining future adventures.

C H A P T E R    S I X T Y - T W O 

Noah's POV

My alarm was set a little early than Sydney's, and I opened my eyes as it rang. I rubbed my eyes and let out a small groan as I woke up. But all of that ceased when I saw the girl lying beside me. Sydney was still in the same position in my arms that she was when I had wished her goodnight, but that was probably because I had held her so tightly. 

My breath hitched in my throat as I looked at her. Her hair had freed itself from the light ponytail she had cared to tie last night, and there wasn't one speck of makeup on her face. She shifted very little in her sleep, her lips curling up faintly to one side, forming a small smile on her face. It amazed me how it didn't matter whatever the hell she was doing; my body and mind had just developed a mechanism of falling more in love with her. 

To date, I still had sparks shoot up at the slightest contact my skin faced with her. I still couldn't comprehend how every time I kissed her, I was sent to oblivion. She was like a never-ending spring in my life. Love wasn't something that promised you everlasting joy, there were just enough problems, more tears, and complications than people would expect, but no matter what happened, it assured you one thing, you'd never have to go through it alone.

I shook my head unbelievably, still shocked at the fact that I had managed to secure myself someone who was so beautiful from the inside out. I pulled her closer, placed her chaste kiss on her temple as she remained untethered, relishing her precious sleep. I became aware of my morning breath suddenly and sat up, cringing. 

I decided I would freshen up and then wake up Sydney. I quickly went to the washroom and showered, and as I was dressing up, I heard Syd's alarm ring. I tried to call her, but when she didn't wake up from that blaring alarm, there's no way she was going to wake up by me calling her.

 I dressed up, not bothering to do anything with my hair, and as I stepped out, her alarm rang again. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at the fact that it still made no difference to her, I picked her phone from the bedside table and held it exactly beside her ear, and she sat up, waking up with a jerk, her hand on her chest as it heaved. 

"Good morning, lazy," I teased, throwing her phone in her lap.

"I hate you," she told me, a grumpy look on her face.

"I love you just as much, now get out of bed you mophead," I replied, placing a longing kiss on the mid-portion of her neck. I could feel a smile developing on her face due to my action. I chuckled at the scene, realizing that I wouldn't mind if this is what the rest of my mornings would be like; in fact, I would prefer this more than anything.

"God, you smell so good, Noah," she complimented, and I smirked at her.

"Come on, get up," I said, catching her hand in mine, and she groaned getting out of the bed. 

I wandered around her room, looking at the pictures and posters she had as she went to take a shower. They were all classics, The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, Ronaldo and a photo of herself, Cassie and Chris on the beach. It was crazy how much resemblance the three of them held.

Sydney walked out, running her hand through her hair, trying to set it and dark blue scrunchie she seemed to love so much rested on her wrist. "Noah, can you pass me my moisturizer from the closet? It should be on the top shelf in my closet," she requested, and I opened her closet, passing her the moisturizer.

As I was closing it, I stopped, shocked. "Holy crap!" I muttered.

Sydney turned around. "What?"

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