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—The prologue—

But for now I'll just walk the streets to feel good again being able to breath.

I said this 4 years ago now I'm a 25 year old who finished as a graduate. I guess you could say my life had gotten better. I quick working at my record store and I sold it to Simon, since he loves it so much and Cherish has gotten off with her music career, she still works at the store as well.

As for me well things have worked out, I may have gotten used to the idea gauge had gotten married to lily but can't say it still doesn't hurt. Oh right that's another thing, I'm still single, sadly.

But being 25 has its advantages of staying home and sleeping in while I'm now a model for a certain online store, you may have heard of it Pacsun? Yeah I got a deal with Pacsun, they loved how I was just the right type of girl for the clothes.

Really being a part time model for Pacsun is amazing but eh, oh and other thing I moved and sold most of my old furniture and moved into a bigger apartment near my old job, okay maybe I may not have quit my job but uh I loved being in there.

I'm happy being a part time model and being the manager of my record store.

So welcome to the life of me, Zoe. The sweet life of Zoe Marshall.

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