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A/n: how're you guys doing?

I laid on my bed, my legs spread  wide as I gently rubbed my stomach and got up to get a bowl of fruit or something sweet. I hurriedly grabbed a bag or cherries as I rinsed then off and headed back towards my bed. Getting in the same position as I laid there with my head near inches away from my cats sleeping figure. The small typing sounds escaped my phone as I was texting back and forth to my friend Leon.

Leon and I went way back, we even tried to date at some point but we never did since he had or wanted to go to a police academy to train. I laughed as we talked about things that only made sense to us. My mind went wild whenever I told him about Gauge and Ambrose. He even joked saying ever since I was little I was always "the girl next door type."

My lips parted as I typed something I knew would get him every time, ever since we were little I'd always told him every year "one day we'd get married and have our own family." I texted a small sentence saying we should actually met up if he had the time.
Luckily he was around town for a few days, so I'd write down some things for us to do for awhile while he visited me.

I felt like I was a kid again whenever I was with him and it always amazes me that we have a great bond. Even if we haven't seen each other in what feels like forever we always pick up where we left off with things. It made me happy and some of my friends from home used to say we'd end up together if I didn't find anyone new.

I still felt bad that I hadn't talked to Gauge about what I saw but I should talk to him soon. Say how I really feel or something. Our relationship doesn't feel the same as the other times nor does it feel right romantically either. Maybe it's time I really said goodbye to Gauge as I don't feel that spark anymore.

Shifting over onto my stomach I dialed Gauge's number and after a few rings he picked up. "Hey, Atticus uhm can you come over right now? We need to talk." I said as he simply replied with "sure yeah I'll be there in a few."

I got off my bed as I went into the bathroom and took my hair out of a messy bun and brushing it out as my natural curls were pillow soft as I pulled it into a braid. The doorbell rang when I was in the midst of braiding my hair. "It's open!" I yelled as I finished my braid. "Hey cutie, long time no see huh gorgeous?" I looked up only to see Ambrose. "Ambrose! W-what are you doing here?" I said as I brushed past him smelling that musky scent, the one that would comfort me when he cared for me after a great night together.

"Oh I was just around town and thought I'd drop by." He smirked as his eyes traveled over my well toned body. "You look ravishing Zoe." He said as he gently lifted my chin and placed a gently but forceful kiss on my pink lips. "Ambrose, you need to leave. I'm expecting someone in a few minutes." I rushed out as I pushed him through my bedroom door. "Zoe? You here?" I heard Gauge say as I stopped in my tracks as he was in the living room. "Shit, he's here already." I mumbled to myself as I told Ambrose to stay still and shut up.

"Hey Atticus." I said as I pulled him into a hug. "Hey Zoe, you okay? You're acting weird, I mean weird weird not your usual weird." He explained as I rubbed my temple in a soothing manner. "Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to say we should talk about that day I came back and found you with lily and your friend... in my bed." I said as tears weald in my eyes. "Hey, I should be the one apologizing Zoe, I messed up and I know it you know it. It's fine if you want us to take a break because I think it's fairly needed for us to figure stuff out."

"Gauge, for the first time in awhile I actually don't want a break but if that's what you want fine." I simply said as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle to help calm me down. "Zoe, it's for the best." Gauge said trying to hug me. "No!" I said as I pushed him off. "Just go if you want a break, I was trying to get us back to normal but you simply just don't want us together!" I said as I opened the door for him to leave. "Zoe, I understand what your trying to do but I need a break." He said with pleading eyes. "Fine! Go back to lily then! Your better off with her!" I said as I slammed the door in his face. "Ugh he just doesn't understand." I said as I let my tears fall.

"Zoe, sorry to bother you but I'm sorry things aren't working out for you." Ambrose said as he sat next to me. "And you! Why did you come back?" I yelled as I stood up anger boiling in my blood. "Zoe, shh it's okay." Ambrose said as he pulled me into his chest as he hugged me. "I'm here for you. Whenever you need me." He said as he gently caresses my hair in his soft hands. "Thanks Am, I know I can count on you." I said as I felt myself start to drift off in his arms.

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