Please be gentle...

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A/n: I'm going to be posting two times on Tuesday since that's the last chapter of this book and the beginning of book 3. Anyways enjoy this and let me know how you've been.

For the past week I've been throwing up not really noticing I didn't get my period. This morning seemed to be different because the morning sickness stopped. "Hey jazzy, can you come over... and uhm bring a uh pregnancy test too." I said as she didn't really question me on it since I've always had irregular periods since I was growing up.

"Hey Zoe love, here I brought some ice cream and your favorite movie, and some nail polish and face masks." She said as she pulled out the ice cream and put it in the freezer. "Thank you! You are the best!!" I yelled as she handed me the test. "I hope your not pregnant because look at your life right now, your a successful author and model and your album is gonna be done in like 4 months."

She stayed listing the busy things in my life. "I know jazzy but I just need to know." I said opening the box and pulling out the test. "Fingers crossed." I said as I ran to the bathroom.

It took about 3 minutes to get the results of the test. "Nooo!! Nope there it is... that little pink plus sign is so unholy." I pouted as quickly wash my hands wrapping my test in tissue paper as I walked to show jazzy the results.
"Zoe! What're the results?" She asked a bit to eagerly as she has the face masks and nail polish out along with my favorite movie practical magic.

"Uhm it's positive, but the thing is I know who the dad is..." I trailed off remembering the night me and Neal shagged. "Oh zoe, don't tell me it's..." she trailed off as she just hugged me.

Gauges pov:
"Hey gauge, dude stop moping around, get up and go for a drive or something. I hate seeing you this miserable. Look you where the one who asked for a break then you stopped talking to her flat out and you saw her, she was happy at the party." Will said as he leaned on the door frame with a bag of hot Cheetos in hand. "You don't know if she actually is happy." I groaned back as i rubbed my head. "Okay fine, you wanna mope that's fine! But you should shower and get some cereal and go to your quite place and read, you haven't read in ages." Will said as he closed Mu bedroom door. "Ughh.." I groaned as got up and put in my AirPods. "Fine might as well, I feel like shit anyways." I got up heading towards the shower.

Regular pov aka Zoe's:

"It's not Gauge's." I said straightforward, "we haven't even done anything like that since we lived together, you know how long that been..." I counted on my fingers as it was months ago. "It's been about like 6 months." I said as I leaned my head on on my arms. "Well it can't be Neal's you never go over there anymore." She stated not knowing I still do go over sometimes to hang out and catch up with June or Neal.
"I went over once in the past month." I said with shame in my voice.

"Oh god Zoe don't tell me you and pretty boy did it." She said looking at me when I looked up at her and simply nodded. "Zoe..." she said as she hugged me. "Well at least it's not Gauge's god knows his reaction to if it were his." She chuckled as she opened the freezer to get the ben & jerry's classic vanilla and cookie dough flavor out. "Here you need some Cookie dough, if we're keeping this baby, your gonna need to teach it to love cookie dough since it's your favorite." Jazzy said happily, what in her right mind thinks I'm going to keep this baby? Doesn't she know I could end just the like and rumors will fly some mystery guy knocked me up.

"Jazzy, I can't keep the baby... as much I hate to do this to a living being growing in me... I just can't keep him or her.
I rarely even have down time with how busy my lifestyle is." I stated gently. "And I know how much you wished and wanted to be godmother but I'm sorry I can't keep it." I said as she simply nodded and hugged me. "You don't need to explain, Zoe. I understand, hey maybe when the times right you can name me godmother."

She giggled as she helped me up and grabbed my keys taking me to the nearest hospital to get an abortion. "Jazz, uhm thank you for doing this with me." I said as I felt sick to my stomach since Neal didn't know it was his. "Hey pull over for a second." I said as I walked into the nearest corner store to buy some Cheetos and called Neal to meet us at the hospital. "Don't question it Neal I just need you to be there please." I said as he agreed and said he'd be "there in 15 minutes."

"Zoe really.. ugh your impossible." She laughed as she drove to the hospital sighing papers and I felt arms wrapped around me. "Neal, hey." I said quietly as I grabbed his hand and dragged him away. "Jazzy I'm just gonna use the bathroom." I said as she nodded and said "I'll wait." I grabbed him and headed outside the hospital. "Zoe what's going on?" Neal asked as I prepared myself for the worst. "Neal I'm pregnant and it's yours." I said as I let tears slid down my warm cheeks. He stared at me in shocked and didn't say a word.

"And with my busy life and your busy life there's no way we could possibly have time to raise it

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"And with my busy life and your busy life there's no way we could possibly have time to raise it. Especially knowing I'm single now and the bump will raise question like who's the dad and you'll be deemed the mystery guy that knocked up 25 year old model and actress Zoe Marshall." I said as more tears poured out of my eyes landing our intertwined hands.

"Zoe, I'm not mad that you want to get rid of him or her but if this is what you really want then... do it. I know you don't want to but I know your not ready to be a mom yet or nor I be a baby's daddy yet." I chuckled at the use of the word daddy and his light smile broke out into a laugh. "Hey let's go inside we can't keep them waiting, I'll be here." He said as he walked in with me.

"Neal." I said as he gently pulled me forward. "Yeah?" He asked as he stopped. "Uhm thank you for being here, if I didn't tell you and told you after the fact I think you've been mad." I chuckled as he laughed and kissed my head. "I think your right but hey, thanks for telling me Zoe, even if jazzy thought you were just wanting a snack." He laughed as he was interrupted my jazzy yelling at me.

"You invited the man that knocked you up? Zoe! Are you serious!" She yelled as she shook her head. "Hey he had a right to know, plus he's supporting me, so can you just leave it alone." I said as she nodded and went along with it. In the operation room it didn't take long before I was let go and the doctor said "take these pills to help you get back to normal, your side affects will be vomiting and cramps but you should be okay." He said as he lead me out of the room. "Hey Zoe how do you feel." Jazzy asked. "Better but tired." I said weakly as I followed jazzy. "Hey you did good, Zoe, sorry Neal isn't here but he had to get back to work." Jazzy stayed as she helped me walk to the car. "Classic Neal." I said as I sat in the car waiting to go home and relax.

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