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A/n: ahh I'm so happy a lot of you liked the chapter my lover is a day and how I honestly peaked from just that chapter. Anyways I'll try and bring out more of that type of feeling. Enjoy! ❤️ (also I wanted to add her name isn't Zoe it's (zoey but spelt with an e) I hope i didn't confuse you guy lmao)

Se que te gusto a ti todavía. Tres dos uno. (I know you still like me. Three two one.)

Standing here in an empty room. I saw you there and my blood ran cold. Take me back to the long September. Don't know how I ever let you go.

My body moved to the beat as me and my friend jasmine began to dance, our legs synced in the beat as our legs were bent. We threw our heads back in a seductive manner but yet channeling a sad vibe out of it.

Tell myself be stronger.

We crouched as be tensed our left arm up to symbolize the strength we were supposed to have.

Cause I'm already someone else's baby.

We swayed our hips as we smiled at one another as we weren't even doing the correct choreography because we were just having so much fun being us.

"Alright, well it's getting late, see you around huh?" Jazzy said as she smiled and hugged me as she blew a kiss my way. Catching it and putting in on my cheek she giggled as she said ciao and left with her white duffle bag in hand and left me to close up our spot.

Putting my hair up in a messy bun I decided I'd shower before I went back to the apartment to see him. We haven't spoke since that day but I know he wants to talk about it but I don't feel like it because then I feel vulnerable around him because I still love him.

Stripping out of my leggings and Nike's I put the dirty clothes into a smaller bag to fit my dance stuff in. Grabbing my towel I headed towards the showers as I used my travel size shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair and put it up in a bun as I washed my body.

"Hmm." I hummed as I felt the warm water cascade off my shoulders and down my legs traveling down towards my lower half. I washed my body and wrapped my towel around me as I dried off my legs and feet.

Getting dressed quickly in a pair of new leggings that were light blue and white I pulled over my white cropped sweater and out on my black nikes as I threw my duffle bag over my shoulder. Putting on my sunglasses I closed our dance room up and got into my car as I parked it in my usual spot.

"No Will, I'm serious I don't wanna talk about what happened if she's not answering your texts then I don't know." He said as I walked behind him towards the kitchen for a water bottle and a bag of popcorn. "Yeah okay okay yeah bye Will." Gauge said as he heard my door close.

I heard his footsteps get closer as I put on my AirPods I listened to my music as I got onto my laptop and typed my essay for the college I was applying to because I wanted to get back into school for my writing major. (Ha how ironic lmao)

"Uh Zoe... mind if we talk?" Gauge said as he stood there in his black jeans and his white chain dangled from his belt loops. As his sweater covered his flat, toned torso. "Uh sure but make it quick I have to get my essay done tonight." I said as I didn't want to pay a $500 fee for a late essay.

"Riiight. Uh about that night, I'm so sorry. I thought you weren't but when I left your room I realized how hurt you were... and I'm so fucking sorry Zoe. I didn't know what I was thinking." He said as he rambled on my typing coming to a halt. "Gauge, it's fine really. Don't worry about it and you know you're were right it's not like I have feelings for you because we're just friends right?" I mocked as I typed furiously as I was behind a lot on my essay.

"Look Zoe what I'm saying is that I do have feelings still I just don't know what to do with them since I said we couldn't develop feelings for each other. Meaning we'd have to break off our fling. I don't want that but maybe it's best you know." Gauge spoke as my typing stopped all together.

"Gauge. I don't want this to stop but maybe it should because you and I both know that deep down we feel the same but our fling has to come to a stop because I want the best for you even if it's not with me. Ugh I don't mean to get sappy and sad on you but I'm starting school soon and your modelings gonna take off and I can't distract you even if I am your ex-girlfriend/ fling." I said as I looked it him with teary eyes.

"I don't want to lose you but maybe it's best for us, like you said." Gauge said as he kissed my lips for the last time that night and yet I'd crave for them again to be on mine once again.

You feel through the cracks in my hands.

You'll always be the one who got away.

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