Pink flowers?

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Making myself a fresh cup of coffee as I drove into the office to start getting into the next chapter of my book that was soon to be published for all my friends, followers and current lover.

"Hi Zoe." Jazzy said like she had just saw something that was meant for me but not wanting to ruin the surprise. "Hi jazzy?" I said as I eyes her suspiciously. "Whatcha doing?" She said as her eyes were anticipated with a hunger for me to find something out. "Jazzy, I'm trying to write my second chapter." I said as I was a little annoyed at this game. "Ugh your no fun!" She shouted as she left to leave me alone.

"Delivery to a Zoe Marshall?" I heard a bright and cheerful medium range male voice say. "Yes?" I said as I looked to see what was in his hands a various ratio of pink roses. "I'll need you to sign here to say you received these roses." He said as he handed me the clipboard and pen, signing it I gave it back as I gently grabbed the vase full of the roses.

My eyes lit up as I was in admiration for the one that bought the roses for me. Grabbing the small little card it came with said "To my darling angel, I hope you admire these as they are a gift from me. I love you! — your boyfriend Neal." I mentally fainted at this gesture of him.

"Zoe!" Jazzy said as she saw the roses. "Isn't that sweet! Mr. wonderful got you roses,how adorable!" She squealed as she was so happy for me. "Yeah isn't it nice of him?" I said as I placed them near the window in the office. "Nice of him? Zoe he loves you!" She said as she sat in the chair beside my desk leaning forward to ask me a question I had no idea how to react towards. "So is Mr. wonderful good in the sack?" She asked but more in a teasing tone. "Uh... Jazz? Jazzy!" I said with wide eyes, as she took me by surprise. "Well if you must know he's not good, he's absolutely wonderful and he's very caring afterwards." I said as I pulled my phone out form my bag pack and typed a thank you to him.

He texted me back with a inky face and a cute message. "I'm glad you liked them because were having dinner tonight somewhere special." His text read as my blood was pumping and I was as ready I could ever be for this day to be over.

"Oh wow..." she said as she registered my answer. "Well I'm happy for you." She said as she took my one rose and sniffed the sweet watery smell the roses gave off and smiled. "You two are so cute, I wonder when you'll get married!" She joked as she clasped her hands together only to scream out in pain as a thorn pricked her. "Ha! Karma!" I said laughing as I began to work on my chapter.

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