Camera, lights, love?

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A/n: hello beautiful! How're you?

The blinding light of the set I was on blinded my eyes as I had to lip sync a song for my character Ronnie. The whole scene revolves around Ronnie falling back in love with her old ex boyfriend as she had a small accident (which they had to add into the script because of my sprained finger) which I happened the weirdest way I was playing with my sweet little cat and bam! Right then and there my finger bent back too much and pulled the muscle. There a big nasty purple bruise and a small blister on my finger which hurts like it never has in a only a limited time.

My eyes teary as Ronnie was singing and she had to fall onto the stage set as she was rushed off by her friend Rose. "Ronnie, it's alright!" She shouted as I couldn't stop sobbing as the scene continued, my set makeup still in good condition.

"And cut! That was a wonderful performance Zoe!" The director Mark said as I wiped off my tears and just went into my trailer.

"Zoe." My co-star Becky said as she came into my small trailer. "Yeah? What's up?" I said sniffling as I wanted to try and stop crying. "You were wonderful out there but you make it seem so real. Why's that"? She asked as she grabbed my hand in comfort. "Well believer or not I related to Ronnie once before in my life and now that I'm here now a co-star to one of the most anticipated shows now. That person I was once in love with is still on mind a lot especially during the scenes that's why it's so real". I stated as I wiped off the makeup since production was wrapped and the day over.

"Oh wow, are you still in love with this guy Zoe? Cause you know if you are then what's keeping your from setting yourself free?" She asked again as she was like my big sister. "Well he was my first true and long love, we did everything together and the fact that well were ex lovers and just friends now just makes me feel like I nothing knows his eyes." I said as I changed out of my costume into my regular clothes.

"Well maybe talk to him about how you truly feel." You never know unless you try Zo." She said as she pulled me into a quick hug and smiled at me as she left waving.

On the drive home I stopped and decided I'd call Gauge and take Becky's advice and tell him how I feel.

"Uh hey Gauge, how're you?" I asked as he simply replied with a chuckle and said he was busy. "Oh well I'm sorry, look I wanted to talk about us." I paused to hear Gauge shuffling around probably stopping what he was doing to sit somewhere or pace around his room. "Uh sure what about us?" He asked as he was pacing around his room. "Well you know how it is between us we just fight and tease on another and it sucks, I guess what I'm saying is I miss the way things were y'know? And the fact that your the first person I've ever been with and thats why we keep sneaking around with one another and being bitter. Deep down we both want each other but we're making it seem like it's not right, when it truly is." I said as I pulled the key out of my ignition. Gauge was quiet for a couple of minutes and he cleared his throat as he simply agreed and said something to me that took me by surprise.

"Gauge. You know I want that more than anything but what if people get suspicious about us?" I said a small smile paining itself on my pink lips. "Forget about other people Zoe, I just said I want you back and your worried about them? Classic Zoe." He teased me as I simply said whatever and said a quick I love you as I made my way into my fancy LA apartment. (oh right I forgot to mentioned the production wanted me to move so I had to.) For the first time in my short professional career I was finally happy with were I was in my personal life.

I sent a cheeky little text to gauge saying thank you and a 😘 emoji with the 3 words we always said as a couple on the daily "I love you."

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