"Im sorry,so sorry!"

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A/n: alright get the tissues and snacks ready, this is probably gonna be a long one.

Getting on the plane after visiting my mum and making sure she had everything we had a fairly reasonable conversation.

"Renée, you know ever since you were in high school you've always had the hearts of many boys but keep this one. He seems to be the wait of this whole relationship. I mean that, don't do breaking his heart because you find someone else more attractive, just stay with him no matter what. You don't want to end up me and your father." She said as I hugged her goodbye with tears in my eyes because I hadn't heard from him since that day we had our falling out but I know he's probably doing well.

"Flight 276 ready for boarding." The flight attendant said over the loud speaker in the big airport. I sighed as I stood up and grabbed my suitcase and walked towards the gate with my ticket in hand. "Here goes nothing." I murmured as my longing face told a story to any strangers point of view.

That night when Liam and I went into my room we kissed a lot but I had control over my desires. "What the fuck Zoe?" Liam yelled as I looked at him, his eyes hurt as I stopped what we were doing. "I'm sorry Liam I shouldn't have, I'm so sorry." I said as I walked him out bf spent the night looking over Gauges texts towards me.

Nothing but love did he have for me. I would surely tell him and obviously this will be our first fight in this relationship.

The plan was in gear as the skyline was dark and the clouds painted the sky like they were freckles. I looked at my phone getting a text from Gauge saying he couldn't wait for me to be back home. My eyes watered at the thought of us fighting. I responded with a simple "yeah me too." Closing my phone as I closed my eyes.

The noise of passengers rambling around me woke me up as I noticed we were almost landing. "Thank you for flying with Jetairlines, come again soon." The flight attendant said cheerfully as she helped open up the door as it connected it to the airport.

I waked straight out smiling at the people. Walking out heading straight towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and hands. "That's a cute bag, you have there." Said a young girl around 20 as her bright smile reached her eyes. "Oh thank you, I got it from Calvin Klein." I said making small talk as I walked out with my suitcase.

"I can do this... I can't do this." I said to myself as I waited for my ride to get here. "You ordered a ride gorgeous?" The brunette man said his Australian accent light. "Cody! Ohmygod it's been too long." I squealed as I jumped onto him. "I know it has been Zoe." He mocked me as he placed my suitcase in the backseat of his car and drove us to Starbucks. "How you read my mind." I said as he ordered for both of us, offering to pay and handing me my drink. "Cody... I kissed someone and I know I shouldn't have but how do I say that to Gauge?" I blurted out as he drove towards my apartment. "Oh Zoe, probably a bad time to bring that up but I'd tell him and you two can hatch it out. He had a party at your apartment though, I drove by to make sure everything was alright and I uh god it's hard to tell you this but he was like neck and neck with this blonde girl who looked like a angel, Victoria angel and Zoe I don't think that's any worse than what you did but no matter what you can always come and stay with me if anything happens." He said as he told me new information.

"Cody really thank you but it's fine I had a feeling you know." I trailed off as I remembered they had continued production. "Hey how's production going since I'm not there?" I asked as I took a sip of the cool frappé. "Oh god Zoe Evan has missed you like crazy. I mean he's asking if your hurt and like i think he's in love with you Zoe!" Cody said his Australian accent thick.

"What? Pfft, no way he's in love with me, I mean sure he teases me and checks me out whenever we're in character but I don't think he means it in that way-" I said as I thought back to all the endless conversations we had about my personal life on breaks. "Ohmygod. No! No way!" I yelled as I looked at Cody in disbelief. "Damn babe your breaking all the hearts." Cody said as he sipped his tea. "Not funny coco." I said as I sipped my vanilla frappé. "Way." He said mockingly. "Oh whatever." I said as we ended up driving back to my place. I gave Cody a hug as I wandered inside.

The house trashed as I saw cups and empty bottles all over the place. Cody was right he did have a party but I didn't say he couldn't, he's free do to do whatever he wanted. My heart ached as I was brought back to reality when I felt Marley brush against me. "Hello my love." I said as I picked her up. She was such an attention whore, but I love her so no big deal.

I walked towards my bedroom but what I saw made me feel so alone in the world at the moment. My eyes widened at the sight of my bed being the place where three people slept. Gauges lower half covered by the white satin sheet and two girls backside where facing upwards as the were as well covered by their lower halfs.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked away angered at what happened. "I can't believe him!" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the trashcan picking up after the cheater that crushed my heart, I'm no saint either but I didn't go as far as him. The bottles being tossed made a clank sound as I wiped the counter and cleaned it off well and swept the kitchen oof and did some dishes I grabbed my keys leaving my suitcase in the living room as I went out for a ride to clear my mind.

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