You promised me this wouldnt happen!

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A/n: hey guys last chapter! I hope you're okay with this ending because book three will definitely be more progressive. Tell me how your day is so far.

It had been about maybe a little over 4 weeks since I had the baby aborted. I was still getting over the fact I wasn't able to him or her because of my career. Jazzy had been over a couple of times since then but she rarely comes over now. She still checks on me via through texts and calls. As for me well, things about my relationship hadn't been too smooth, it wasn't how it was supposed to happen but maybe it's because I wasn't giving Ambrose my time.

I was reading when the front door slammed open and Ambrose walked in with a angered look in his eyes. "Hey lewis what's up?" I asked as I jolted up mainly from being startled and being the caring girlfriend I was, or so I thought. (Lewis is Ambrose's middle name) "we need to talk." Was all he said before he opened my fridge and poured him some water. "Okay what about?" I asked as all sorts of emotions poured through my voice. "Us, our relationship." He simply replied coldly as he'd given this conversation much thought. "What about us?" I asked as my nerves were jumbled by where this conversation was going and how slow we were talking. Giving the words thought almost. "Your always busy and I know it's your in to go out and do whatever the fuck your job is but I can't be like this anymore, you leave me no choice but to go on and say "yes I have a girlfriend but she's always busy with her job." I can't live like this anymore because your job is so time consuming. I know my job is consuming too but not like yours. I'm done Zoe." He said simply getting it all off his chest, not once did his eyes tear up or look sorrowful. Almost like it was his only choice and he was set on letting me go. "Ambrose, listen to me, I can't help that my job is so consuming, this is what I wanted and yes I know I should manage my time on things but my schedule is always going to be filled no matter if I'm seeing someone or not. I love my job!" I said as anger filled my lungs and my body shook violently as his words swirled around my head. "Fine, if you love your job so much why be with anyone!" He yelled as he threw the glass in the sink and stormed out. "Fine! Go on and get out of here!" I yelled my accent thick enough to cut the anger that boiled in my blood.

End of flashback

I didn't dare clean the mess after awhile, just ordering take out food and not bothering with anything. "Yo Zoe, you home?" I heard jazzy say as she was somewhere in the apartment. "Yeah I'll be out in a sec!" I yelled back as I dried my hair with the towel, my sweats hung loose on my small waist as my white tee showed the curves of my chest. "Zoe, what the hell happened in the kitchen? Why's there glass?" She asked as I grabbed my book and started cleaning the living room. Take out bins and bags laid all over the coffee table, like someone who didn't care lived here. "Because uhm, Lewis and I got into a fight, yup that's right I'm a single woman now." I said with a small smirk showing I didn't care. "Zoe, this isn't you, just because he who shall not be named did this to you and was possibly the best thing that ever happened to you dumped you doesn't mean you can act like this pig sty doesn't bother you! I know it does!" She yelled as I shrugged and let all the tears out. "That's my girl, let it all out." She said as she hugged me and rocked my body back and worth. "He said my job was the thing that made us break up." I mumbled tiredly as I gripped my hair and leaned into my arm. "Hey it's his fault he didn't understand babe." She said as she held me. "Your still thinking of him aren't you?" She mumbled as my tears rushed down faster and harder down my warm cheeks. "I'm just sad that he's gone you know... I could have saved him... He was just a boy begging to be saved. Sadly, no one tried to save him... But I could have. I could have." I said as my body shaked. "You know it wasn't your fault you and Gauge didn't work out honey. You know this, you two tried so hard to make thing work, well for together like pieces of a puzzle and by the end everything just fell through." She said brushing my hair out of my eyes. "I know, we were just stupid young adults when we met. But it's just sucks because I always compare everyone I date to him since... it just sucks since he was my first love. My real and true one, then we were stupid and naive to think we'd last forever. Guess people don't tell you those things when you're growing up. To watch for the ones that will leave a hole in your heart." I said with watery eyes looking at the camera as I explained my eyes were glossy. "Basically that's the story of my song I luv him." I said as I sniffled and let my tears flow down slowly.

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