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A/n: I want to bring back the old Zoe so here I am writing this at 10 pm, with nothing to do! So hope your okay with this writing... it is pretty late. Sorry for any misspellings. 💙

I sat on my grey lounge chair as I felt the tears prickle in my eyes. I hadn't been in TikTok in forever and obviously the first account I go and check on is Heir.of.atticus.
"Wow..." I say I'm a hurt tone as I click on the other Zoey's account and see the way he just stares at her with utter love and desire. I break out into a small sob as I bring my legs up to my chest and practically through my phone on the floor. Causing the tik-tok to continue playing as that's all I hear ringing in my head.

"Stop it! Stop it! Please stop it!" I yell as I feel my perfectly manicured fingernails dig into my scalp at the sight. "No! Please no! Stop it! Get out of my head please!" I practically scream as I black out.

A brief warning if your easily effected by mentions of harming and dead people please skip ahead until you see this font.

I'm in my tub my wrist secured with a white bandage as I guess I'm assuming I banged my wrist onto my counter so hard I broke the bones. I look up only to see the one person I felt believe in me dearly as I was growing up. "Zoe, what're you doing?" He says as his voice was laced with concern and his British accent prominent.
"I...I don't know..." I say confused as I try to get up but look down as I see blood coming out of my wrist. "Zoe... oh god. Zoe stay with me love." He says as my vision starts to black out once again. I wake up in my bed my cut stitched and wrapped as well in a white bandage. "Wait, stay please!" I call out as I see his 5'10 figure walking away. "Zoe... I have to get going love, just know I'm here with you always." He says as he kisses me on my tear stained lips with bits of blood pouring out from how I constantly bite them.
Okay this part is normal!
"No please stay please! I need you just like the air I breathe! Please!" I scream out as he looks at me with tears in his eyes as I'm practically screaming for bloody murder. "Zoe I have to go." He says smiling weakly back. "I love you..." he says as he walks out into the living room and heads for the door. "David please!" I say as my hand grabbed his smooth manlier one. "Please..." I mumbled as I feel my hands go around his waist. "I'm sorry Zoe, I must be on my way." He smiled at me and kissed my lips one last time, tears mixing along with the blood from my chapped lips on his. "David... just know I love you and that I need you still. Don't forget me." I say as he opens the door and looks back one last time. "I won't... I promise Zoe angel. And I love the little girl and I love her til the day she dies." He sings the last part as he disappears into thin air. "Bowie..." I whisper into the stiff conditioned air of the apartment complex.

I wake up on my couch my head hurting and my lips bloody and my wrist hurting. "It was just a dream..." I whispered as I felt the hug I longed for. "He hugged me and it felt so real." I mumbled as I got up and found my phone on the couch next to me. The only thing that was on my phone was a note that read;

"Zoe, your too young to give it all up. I know it may seem that everything is practically wrong in life but babe your alright. I'm so proud of the young lady you've grown to be. You may think your not okay right now but just know I love you, every single day and thank you for looking up to me. I love you." It signed by him himself the classic Bowie signature in my favorite color blue. "I love you too." I whispered as I felt a peck on my cheek. "Thank you." I whispered as I grabbed a piece of paper writing down all my thoughts.

No hate to Zoey herself just for the sake of the story!

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