Do you still love me?

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A/n: this is part 2 to (haha that's accidental) did you ever love me? Anyways book 3 is coming soon! I'm so excited for it to come out, also how're you?

The next morning after our confessions Neal carried me upstairs. He placed me down on his comfortable bed that had white fluffy sheets underneath the navy blue comforter. He continued his caring motions when he kissed me like he did down stairs then one thing led to another as he climbed up onto the bed and in that moment everything felt so normal. Or at least that's what I thought.

My phone buzzed as I got up and made my way towards the bathroom downstairs and picked up my old toothbrush and brushed my teeth as I looked through social media seeing what everyone was up to. I posted a picture of me laughing on set of a photoshoot and tagged my photographer, saying, "I miss this day so much, wish we had more time that day."

Once I was done I washed my face and went out into the balcony where to my surprise I saw June and her granddaughter eating along with mozzie. "Hey Juney." I said as I walked towards her and gave her a big hug. "Zoe! Oh my goodness, it's been to long." She said as she told me to sit down and have a bite to eat. "So I see you and Neal where pretty busy last night." Mozzie said as I was eating my eggs, I almost chocked as I just smiled and waved him off. "No we weren't busy we were just catching up on life." I said as Neal walked onto the balcony. "Speaking of Neal." Mozzie said as he smiled his cocky grin. "Morning June, Mozzie, Zoe." He said as he kissed my cheek. "So Your sure you two weren't busy because Neal doesn't have a shirt on and you have his pajama top." Mozzie chuckled as he drank his coffee. "Moz, cut it out." Neal said as he gently brushed his hand against my thigh. "I didn't have clothes here so Neal let me have his shirt, what the big deal huh Moz." I said as I took my coffee inside, leaving my plate of breakfast there.

Once I was inside I heard Moz whisper to Neal, "so what're you guys exactly because by the looks of it you two are together again." Moz said as he pulled back and finished his breakfast. "We're not together, I asked her to stay the night and she did. It's her choice if she wants to stay or not." Neal said as he related what he told me last night to his friend.

"Fine but I'm just saying if peter catches her here he's gonna know something." Moz said as he thanked June for breakfast and left to do whatever he needed to be. Meanwhile I was reading a new book Neal had on the coffee table. My eyes danced over the pages of the novel when I felt the warmth of strong hands around my waist. "Hey I was reading that." Neal said as his kissed my shoulder. "Oh hey before I go, I wanted to invite you to a party I'm having. You know to celebrate my uhm book being published finally." I said as I turned myself around to face him. "Thank you Zoe but I have to talk it over with peter." He said as he let go of me and headed upstairs, I followed in suit.
"Neal do you still love me? Is that the problem?" I asked curiously as I took off his shirt and pulled on my plain shirt and my jacket as I looked at him pulling on his white button up and doing his tie. "No Zoe it's not that, it's just you know I'm a busy man. Now excuse me I don't wanna be late for work." He said as he walked over to the closest where he pulled on his pants and did his belt. "Alright fine, just let me know okay." I said as I hugged him and thanked him for having me over.

Once back again home I did some cleaning in the kitchen and made me some lunch since i made it home late. *ringgg* I stopped what I was doing when I looked through the peep hole to see Ambrose. "What do you want?" I said through the door as I saw him with a bag. "Just let me in please." He begged as he came in his lips swollen like he'd been biting them for some time now.

"I'm sorry about the day at the mall, I was a dick and I never meant to hurt you Renée I just needed some time to myself." He said as he made himself comfortable on my grey lounge chair. "Yeah I can see that, but that doesn't explain the Blondie!" I yelled as I went back to cooking my cheesy macaroni. "Zoe, just let me explain." He said before I turned off the stove and looked at him with hate and hurt eyes. "No don't explain you want other people fine! But I gave you everything Ambrose! I gave you comfort when you weren't feeling okay and I gave you love and attention back then before all of this!" I yelled as I looked into his blue eyes. "Don't you think I know this Zoe! I know you gave me everything you had. What does it matter that I wanna see other people?" He said his voice back to normal as he drew his arms in a cross. "Because..." I stopped debating whether or not I should tell him how I feel. Why does it feel so hard to say.

"Because... I love you!" I said as turned away to get a glass of wine. "Zoe, bebs. I know it bothers you- wait you love me?" Ambrose said as he turned me around where he saw small tears escaping my eyes. "Hey bebs don't cry. I love you too, I mean it." He said as he brushed away my tears. "Ambrose, seeing you with her made me so upset and I felt like everything was just horrible. "I don't want to belong to anyone but you." I said as I dropped my head into his chest where my arms wrapped around him. "Zoe, I'm so sorry I did that to you. I didn't think about you and I was being selfish." He said as he planted a kiss on my head as he rubbed my back.

He had a smile small as he gently lifted me up from his chest. "Zoe will you do me the honors of being your boyfriend?" He asked as he looked at my hazel eyes for some emotion. My eyes dilated a bit as he asked me he wanted to mine. "Am, I would love that." I said as he gently brushed his lips with mine his lips tasting like pure vanilla bean.

"I've never been more happy with a choice like that." I said as I pulled him into me.

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