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A/n: warning your all gonna hate me. Enjoy?

I heard a hard and rapid knock on the door. I walked over to the door to see her, Lily. I opened the door because she looked desperate to get in, that was my first mistake of the day or should I say ever. "Where's Gauge? I need to talk to him." She spoke so confidently no wonder why he liked her. "Uh he's not here right now." I said as I told her to wait in the living room.

Currently Gauge was in my bedroom wiping off lipgloss stains on his neck. See before she knocked we had a make out session but I went to go get a water bottle then that's when I heard her knocks. "Huh lily how'd you know he lived here?" I asked as I saw Gauge to go outside the door and act like he just came back. "Well it's all over his story on instagram, don't you check it?" She asked bitterly. "Uh no, I haven't been on social media in a year and 2 months already." I said as I stood there drinking my water.

That's a lie, well no not really it's more like the truth you only checked because someone was trying to hack you.

"Well it is and your stupid if your not on there." She said as she made a disgusted face and typed in her phone as she smiled. "Anyways I hope you know Gauge never broke up with me, we were supposed to move in together but he insisted on staying by himself and he mentioned he'd have a roommate... you. So I didn't think anything of it but I need to know are you guys having sex?" She asked as much as I hated her you could actually taste the bitterness and the thick tension in the room.
Her gaze was looking at my soul practically.

"Hey Zoe, I'm back." Gauge said finally as he closed the door and saw Lily. "Lilyyy, heyyy." He said dragging his words as he asked what she was doing here.

"I came to talk to you, then I saw she was here so I was having a conversation. Weren't we Zoe." She said putting in the innocent act, this bitch has to go now.

"Uh sure why not go into my room, Zoe we won't be long." Gauge said as I saw Lily's eyes say otherwise.


"Okay, take your time Gauge." I said as I went into my room and pulled in my headphones and played BØRNS bye-bye darling.

I knew what other girls were like because before me and Gauge even dated I already saw how many girls wanted him. It wasn't anything new to me so I was used to the heartbreak.

Not even 15 minuets had went by and I was already hearing their moaning and groaning. Ugh... why me? Why?

I curled into a ball as I felt the familiar wetness pull into my tear- ducts. I felt the tears pool around my perfect nose and my warm cheeks as I realized I'm always going to be his second choice, never his first anymore.

I got up and wrote him a note saying I was gonna head out for awhile.

Gauge, your busy right now but I'm gonna head out for a few hours, probably won't be back til 2 am so don't wait up, hope you understand. Anyways I'll be back later.- Zoe 🖤

I walked down the steps as I had my wallet and my bag full of the daily stuff I used. Charger, batter pack, headphones, wallet.

I walked down the street and decided I'd have some time to myself I'd go out and do something for me. So I walked into the only place I knew I'd be able to stay, my very first job I had, a book keeper, a old book store manager.

"Zoe? Zoe Marshall? Holy shit! It's been too long girl. How're you?" Joe said as he hugged me. Joe Goldberg my only friend I've ever known in LA, he was in New York until the accident happened but that's not my story to tell. I told him how I was feeling and he said he was sorry to hear that and he had an idea. "What's your idea Joe?" I was interested and I wanted to know now.

"Well we go on a few dates as friends do whenever ones sad and he'll come around again, just watch." He said as he held my hand, now I know what your thinking does he like me back, he used to but I told him I was only willing to he's close nothing more and if I wasn't in a relationship of any kind I'd give him a chance.

"Okay well mind if I stay here til 2am?" I said as I had a ton of books to read for sure. "Yeah I don't mind." He said as he left me alone and worked on helping other customers.

buzz* buzz*
Zoe, where are you it's getting late, Come on baby. I'll pick you up and we can go get some pizza? Whatever you want I promise.

Ha, he really expects everything to go back to normal huh? I looked at my clock as it read 2am exactly. "Uh bye Joe, I'm gonna head home now." I said as he waved to me and said he'd leave with me since the store was supposed to be closed at 10.

"Don't worry about me Joe. I'll be okay." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek something we always did back in New York as a goodbye. "Okay don't do anything stupid!" He yelled back.

The walk back was filled with silent sobs as I played 4EVER by Clairo. Once I had made it inside gauge was waiting on the couch for me to come back but I closed the door silently and stepped into my room and went to sleep as the events of today were going through my head.

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