The one with the big party

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A/n: I just want to say a huge thank you to all of my supporters it really means a lot that you have all stuck with me during the writing process of this series and if I could I would hug every single one of you personally but take this message as a virtual hug.

My body swayed to the beat of the music playing. My arms above my head as I slide then down my body toward my waist as I swayed my body side to side as I jumped and started body rolling. "Whooo! Get it Zoe!" Jazzy yelled as her voice slurred as she had a beer in her hand, she was safe though. She was in my house where I invited a few (maybe 50 people max) of my friends to celebrate my book being the top 10 must reads.

"Get it Zoe! That's my bestie!" Jazzy yelled again as I just let myself go with pure bliss, the sweat clung to my face and chest as my white bodysuit that was custom made with a sheer shirt along with some thigh high boots.
(Just for reference)

My hips swayed as the music came to a slow and left me breathless from how much fun I was having dancing, I'm pretty sure my neighbors were wondering what the hell was going on next door but I'd personally apologize tomorrow once my hangover was g...

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My hips swayed as the music came to a slow and left me breathless from how much fun I was having dancing, I'm pretty sure my neighbors were wondering what the hell was going on next door but I'd personally apologize tomorrow once my hangover was gone for sure. "I'll be back jazzy I'm gonna go say hi to some guests." I said as I grabbed a solo cup and filled it with a small amount of wine. "Hey Gauge, Neal, Ambrose thank you all for making it!" I slurred a bit as I sipped the liquid. "There's drinks in the kitchen and there's food in the dining area if your hungry, make yourselfs as at home!" I yelled as my old jam came on. "Gotta go!" I yelled as jazzy was patiently waiting on me.

"Come on Zoe! We gotta give them a show." She said clapping my hands with hers. "Alright let's go get em'." I said as the song blared through the music. Everyone formed around us as they watched me and jazzy stretch. Some of the males I invited cat calling and saying incoherent sentences. Other with their partners as they lightly bounced with the beat.

I had my hand behind my back as the other repeatedly thrusted on his own. I spinned as I kicked out my legs and started throwing my arms both ways, left and right. The constant cheering only hyping up my dance moves. I lowered my hips as the song for more in depth and slowly brought them back up as my arms stretched out wide when I saw all three of the guys standing close together. Spinning a bit closer towards then my lips pink with a bit of lipgloss, they all stared as they watched my hips and legs move, shamelessly I noticed all of them looking at my chest more than usual. I kicked and spinned and body rolled a few times effortlessly since i was a dancer. "I've been waiting for you darling." I said as my fingers moved in a beckoning motion as I continued to sway my hips and turn back around as the song ended. Jazzy and I spent our time catching a break as we danced our arses off.

"This is a great party Zoe!" Jazzy said as she had a piece of pizza in her hand. "Yeah, I sure do know how to throw one." I said as I watched what everyone was doing. "Hey whatever happened between you and Gauge?" She asked as I watched the crowed dance and talk. "Oh uh he wanted a break which led us to stop talking and uhm a break up really." I said as I went into the dining room jazzy following suit. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know this." She weakly smiles as she hugged me. "It's okay jazzy you didn't know, but hey follow me." I said dragging her into my room. Sounds of people having a good time were heard as I opened my door only to find Gauge with lily getting it on in my room. "Ahem, get out! This room is off limits, go get your rocks off somewhere else!" I said my accent thick as I pulled jazzy in while I opened my closet and grabbed her hand. "This is what I wanted to show you, remember when I was younger and I was crushing hard on Harry styles, well Harry personally delivered this to me." I said holding the dark blue velvet Gucci suit. "Holy shit! Are you serious?" She said as she smirked and teased me. "Did you blush? Did you kiss him? Ohmygod tell me!!" She said as her smile grew bigger. "Nothing happened other than a hug which he smelled amazing! And the fact that I now have his number so I can call him up and ask to hang out." I said as I walked out my closet and went back downstairs.

"So uh what about you and Ambrose? Have you two... you know yet? You know since you two for back together?" She replied. "Oh uh no not yet I've been so busy with work and he's been busy too so no we haven't had time to be together." I said as I grabbed a handful of grapes. "Here." I said giving her a grape as I wanted to hug the alcohol a break. "So hows it going? You know mentally?" She was always worried about my mental health ever since I overdosed. "Oh I'm fine, just trying to get my lamb I'm produced soon." I stated as people were leaving the party since it was getting late. "I don't mind staying and helping you clean." Jazzy said as she began to clean up the kitchen and the living room also know as the dance area. "Thank Jazz." I said as I turned and was greeted with a hug. "Thank you for inviting me Zoe." Gauge said as he gently brushed his hand over my back. "Yeah your welcome." I said as I was in another hug. "Neal you jerk! Your welcome I didn't have to invite you." I said as he smiled at me kissing my cheek. "Bye Zoe." He said as he was out of the house. "Hey bebs, nice party but I didn't appreciate the lack of attention." He said as he smiled. "Well I was busy having a good time." I looked away smiling as his eyes were on me still "it's okay bebe, I know you were having a good time, you don't get to do it often." He stated as he hugged me. "Well i better get into some pajamas, can't sleep in this." I said as I walked upstairs and grabbed my clothes. "Well Goodnight bebs, see you soon." He said kissing my hand. "By Ambrose." I said as I quickly changed so I could help jazzy.
"Zoe I think you should plan better because there's a lot of left over food." She laughed as she put it in the fridge. "Well that means more food for us to snack on whenever you come over." I said back as I lead her out and said goodbye. Leaving me alone with Winston and Marley to sleep.

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