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A/n: so many of you are even wondering is this even about gauge anymore and well it still is it's just I don't see gauge in that way anymore but you know those phases pass, but I'll make it worth the while for you gals that adore him.

I sat at my computer as I had no clue what to write and I needed to submit something worthwhile to my manager, we were working on a memoir book for me and my fellow followers on social media.

"I just don't know." I mumbled my accent came out as a whimper. "It's hopeless." I sighed as I rubbed my burning eyes. "You know I haven't been on a certain app in forever..." I mumbled as I clicked on the forgotten app in my phone, the black but with the old but familiar TikTok logo. "Holy shit..." I whispered as I had gained some new followers but also noticed my last tik tok was about Gauge.

I decided I'd made a "story-time" video explaining where I've been and why I've been less active on social media and here of all places. "Hi guys, i know it's been awhile but things have changed so much." I said my fake American accent no longer what I wanted as it wasn't me. "I hope you all understand and know that me and gauge haven't spoken since awhile ago and if you see this gauge please text me." I said and posted it along with the other three.

Gauges pov:
My phone buzzed 4 times as I saw that Zoe had posted some new videos, well more of a where she's been. "My god.." I mumbled as I saw how much she's changed. "Her hair is so long now and so shiny... her lips so kissable and so pink." I mumbled to myself as I kept thinking of how much she's changed ever since she got with "Mr. wonderful."

"Hey Gauge did you see Zoe posted?" Will and Kira said looking at me as I watched her videos intently. The both of them seeing my eyes dilated so big they realized how stunned I was to see her different appearance.

"What?" I asked as I look at Kira who just has a small smile playing on his lips. "Nothing... it's just you haven't seen her in like what? 5 months? Why don't you ask her to hang out?" Kira said as he wiggled his phone in his hands.

"You know your right." I said as I pulled up the familiar green icon app with the white outline of a telephone. "Zoe? Hey Zoe... uh I was wondering if you'd uh maybe wanna hang out sometime?" I stuttered as the constant image of her flashed through my mind. "Really? That's great! I... uh yeah that's awesome, yeah yeah see you too." I said as I slapped my hand over my head and just sighed as I made a fool of myself.

"I take it she said yes but you realized you were nervous?" Will said looking at me as a small but embarrassed smirk crept up on my thin chapped lips. "Yup." I said as I just walked into my room and looked through my small box of memories we shared whenever we were together.

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