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A/n: hi how're you?😃

The lights shining red and blue could be seen from a distance. "Zoe? Zoe your gonna be okay! Just keep your eyes open,breathe Zoe!" Megan said as she was worried about me. "Ma'am, we're gonna need you to give her some space, please." One of the paramedics said as she grabbed her kit and got inside the truck.

My eyes were droopy but all I could see was the faint lights outside. They started asking questions about why did I do it? Why did I start? "Okay Zoe we're gonna put this Iv in your arm, stay calm okay." She spoke as she brushed my sweaty hair out of my face as she helped the other paramedic get me out of the truck.

"We need immediate attention for this patient!" She shouted my head hurting as she yelled. "Oh thank god Dr. your here, this patient overdosed on drugs and pills." She said I'm a hushed tone concern on her face.


"How're you doing Zoe?" The nurse asked as she gave me a small smile. "I'm okay." I said as I sat up grabbing the tv remote. "That's good, Zoe can I ask why you did it?" She said as she sat down on little brown leather chair in every hospital room there was.
"Uh... I Uh... I did it because I wanted to feel better." I simply said as I flipped through the channels settling on a old sitcom I didn't know but looked interesting.

"Oh, and why did you want to feel better?" She asked I looked over at her and then her name tag and cleared my throat. "Lisa have you ever been in love?" I asked as she sorta blush. "Yeah I have." She said looking down them back at me. "Well then you'll know that was my reason, we were in love when we meet at a photoshoot when we were introduced and we broke up before we both became friends with benefits and then we ended it because I found someone else. We ended up not working but the guy I was first with always was on my mind and me doing this was just to get him out of my mind." I said as my smile was no longer there but a small frown my lips pouting almost.

"Oh Zoe I'm so sorry." She said as she came to hug me. "I'm sure it'll get better and after you leave this hospital I'll come and check on you 3 days a week okay." She said smiling as she knew all I needed was company. "Yeah I'd like that." I said as I kissed her cheek. "I gotta get back Zoe, I'll bring you up some lunch around 12 okay." She said walking out of my room.

3 days later...
"Yeah I heard she overdosed, they found her in an alley way in a expensive dress with full makeup and everything." Will said to Gauge as he was just shocked. "I don't understand why Zoe would do this though." He said his hands covering his face. "She May have wanted to forget about you. I mean remember the day she saw us at the book store an we- you didn't want to hang out with Zoe. I saw the hurt in her eyes and how she looked paler and her eyes were teary." Will said as he got up and helped Gauge with his suitcase. "So when you see that beautiful girl, be kind she's still healing." Will said as patted his shoulder.

"Okay Zoe, good old home huh?" Neal said as he carefully guided me towards the bedroom.
I was still full of drugs, but the good kind so I couldn't necessarily walk right or eat for another 24 hours. "I got it Neal." I hugged as I gently pulled off my sports bra and got into one of my (his) shirts. It had dark navy strips as it stopped below my bum.

Neal helped me get my pants off as he pulled the covers over me and let me rest. He ended up leaving, duty calls. So I was stuck in bed as I found my little skateboard so I got on it and pushed off with my hands as the door rang. "Coming!" There was a light thud in my door as I unlocked it and saw the one person I thought didn't care about me.

"Hey Zoe, mind if I come in?" His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me. "Sure." I said as I skated back towards the bed. "Zoe do you need help walking?" Gauge asked as he picked me up and placed me into the bed, giggling as he saw how tired I was. "Hey, hey. Take it easy beautiful girl." He said as he kissed my head and laid down next to me. "How're you?" He asked getting serious now. "I'm okay." I said I nuzzled into his neck as I looped my arm around him. "God your hearts beating fast Gauge." I said as I felt something pressing against my thigh. "Gauge..." I whispered as I looked into his eyes. "Yeah?" He said back hushed as well.

"Make love to me." I said as I slipped my tongue into his mouth as it was agape. "Mhmm Zoe." He mumbled as he hovered over me, unbuckling his jeans as he kissed my neck leaving red marks that would be there tomorrow. "No Zoe this isn't right." He turned to lay down as he put his hand over his head. "It's right babe. Let me." I said as I got up on top of him and pulled down his boxers just a little bit. "Zoe." He said his breath hitched. "Mhm what?" I said as I went slow his hard member grazing over the soft wet sponge like part inside me. "Don't stop." He groaned as he was in heaven.

"Oh fuck Zoe I'm gonna come." He moaned into my neck as he laid down next to me.

"I'm happy Your here." I whispered as I gently kissed his lips. "Will told me about the overdose Zoe, you could've died." Gauge said as he held my gaze caressing my face. "But I didn't." I said swallowing a lump in my throat. "I missed you.. and you never texted me." I said turning away from him. "Zoe, I was busy. Ask Will." He says as he slyly put his hand down on my peach pumping his fingers in and out "stop. Fuck stop." I said as I placed my hand on his. "No because its the truth." He said pumping in and out slowly as my eyes drifted off to sleep.

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