Im still thinking about you...

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A/n:ah finally a classic sad song to go with the chapter I'm so well known for. It's been awhile since I channeled my original work. It's been forever since I've done something similar to my first book.

I stood there trying to calm myself down and not break down and cry in front of the only person I could go to. I didn't feel like going to jazzy because I knew she'd try and kick Neal's ass for what he did but I just don't wanna get her involved yet.

Hesitate I knocked on the white apartment door as I let out a breathe I didn't know I was keeping in. Hearing footsteps approach made my heart flutter with butterflies as I stepped back and felt the tears starting to prick my eyes like they did before I got out of the car.

The door opened after awhile, guess he was checking to see who it was. "Zoe? Zoe it's like 3am right now what the hell are you doing here?" He murmured as he looked at his phone, rubbing his eyes of sleep. "I'm sorry Gauge I just didn't know where to go, god I'm so stupid..." I mumbled as my tears dropped on my already heated cheeks. "What're you talking about? You should be at home with your boyfriend Neal, go home Zoe." He said closing the door. I stopped it putting my hand on the door, as I murmured the one thing I wished never had to come out of my mouth. "We broke up." I stated as I wiped my face. Gauges look was shocked but he seemed upset with me as well. "And you expect me to let you in and say everything going to be fine and dandy like the old days back in New York. When we were in live and that I should let you stay inside my bed and watch you go to sleep just to be sure your okay?" He said anger was evident in his words as I felt myself choke down a sob. "No! I don't want that! I just didn't know where to go... and I thought you be more understanding of that!" I said drawing my arms towards my body. "Guess I was wrong." I said disappointed for even coming here as I stepped away and walked back to the hallway.

I didn't dare look back because I knew we were both hurt. I mean on his birthday I wanted closure. If I knew Neal would break up with me 2 weeks later I would've never done it. "Zoe! Zoe wait!" Gauge called out as he ran after me catching up with my shirt strides as my tears were overbearing my eyes. "I'm so sorry I snapped but it's just you know I'm hurt. I'm hurt especially since you wanted closure and how you broken up with and your hurt too. I'm just so sorry Zoe, I never wanted anyone to hurt you." He said his tears falling gracefully from his brown eyes as he hugged my so tight like I was on the verge of death.

"It's fine Gauge really, ill just go home and try to sleep it off." I said pulling away with my keys in my hands. "You sure your going to be alright?" He asked as his eyes were full of sorrow. "Yeah I'll be fine thank you for the offer though." I said as my throat was so dry it sounded hoarse.

"Alright, well call me if you need anything. I'll be over as fast as I can." He stated as he hugged me again and kissed my head. "M'so sorry Zoe love." He said as he pulled my arms around him. "M'so sorry." He cried out as I felt my eyes fill with even more tears, it's like I couldn't stop.

"Okay Atticus I'll be fine." I said as I pulled away this time and my eyes full of the wet tears that splashed around like water on a rainy day in New York. "Okay just be careful please." His brown hazel eyes stared back at me with sorrow and love as I felt our spark connect like it did the first time we were in this situation.

"Uh yeah sure." I said waving as I watched him go back into this apartment. Walking towards my car I drove home and just saw how my apartment looked like my old on back home. The records all over the floor and in stacks as I felt my eyes get heavy. "I'll just play one and try to sleep." I said to myself as I played a classic record and just plopped down into my couch as I closed my eyes my tears never-ending.

All I could hear was the distant sound of my phone ring as I felt my eyes heavy with tiredness, not the tiredness you get when your sleepy but the kind whenever you want to end everything. How you feel so lost after crying so hard all you can do is stay there and watch everything around you happen.

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