Im not your girl?

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A/n: Zoe this is for you my beautiful creation. Your so strong and talented I love you! Your amazing! ❤️

I winced as the sun burned my eyes when they opened to see the fiery sun out in the blue sky. The clouds were dancing around in the sky as I turned over and looked at my phone, only to then turn over and try to sleep. My phone buzzed as I stirred back awake only to see I had to go into the office to see what was going on with my book. "Ugh I don't wanna get out of bed." I said as I rubbed my eyes, getting out of bed only to layback down when I felt my tears flowing down the temples of my head. "I can't do this anymore." I cried into my hand as I was so stressed.

"Zoe... what're you doing? Stop crying please. Your better than this, if you can't handle it then maybe say you can't go in today." My conscious said as I typed with blurred vision I can't go in today.

"I need a me day." I said as I got up and grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom, to connect my phone to the Bluetooth speaker. The bathroom was filled with the beautiful voice of Lana Del Reys groupie love.

"Your in the bar, playing guitar I'm trying to let the crowd next to me."

Shedding myself of my baggy T-shirt and my undergarments and socks I stepped into the shower. Sadness still very evident in my eyes and emotions.

"Time after time, writing my lines. Having my baby there next to me."

I started with wetting my hair as it's usually the first thing I always do then I grab my in-shower clip to put my hair up and grab my luffa as I pour soap onto it. The white soap foaming up into bubbles as I scrub off all the dirt and grim from my body, kinda like shedding myself of any negative thoughts.

The soapy water circles down the flat white tiles of my shower as I stand there letting all the water take care of the hard to reach spots. The water hitting my back like needles I turn and bend my arm upwards as I pull the shampoo and get a small amount and lather it up in my hands as I massage it into my scalp. "Mmh." I hum along with the song as this shower was much needed.

"Front row, every show, like a hype man. Sing along word for word, while she might be."

I let the shampoo sit in my hair a second as I grab my conditioner bottle and squirt some out and apply it to my ends and my scalp and I tie it up and grab my cheap conditioner to apply to my legs as a shaving cream. It's nice because it leaves my legs soft and glowing.

"You and I, 'Til the day we die."

I rinse off the left over conditioner from my legs as I shave my armpits and stomach without any special shaving cream as it just feels weird.

Taking out the clip I let all of the water do the rest of the work to get all the shampoo and conditioner off my silky hair. I grab the daily face wash I get in there and apply a small dab on my hand and massage it into my skin as it refreshes my skin and wakes me up. "Ah." I sighed as it feels amazing. Putting water into my hands I wash off my face and scrunch out the excess water from my hair, rinsing my body in cold water. "Ahh it freezing!" I sat out loud as I turn it off quickly and grab my fluffy white towel.

"Shit." I mumble as I see the time. "It's 11:40..." I murmur as I grab a pair of jeans along with a plain black and white stripped shirt and tuck it into my jeans putting on my black belt and buckling it as I brushed my hair and my teeth as I gave my face a rest without applying make up.

"I grab my AirPods with the Jerry the mouse case on them and put them in my small cross body bag. I grab my Stephen king book and head down towards my small table by the living room door and grab my glasses so I can see clearly and grab my keys as I'm on my way to a library to read.

"You want my groupie love." I sang as I got down to go outside.
Feeling better I see, that's so you. I love you Zoe! Just know that! I said to myself as I pulled the door and grabbed a seat at an empty table. Immediately reading my book.

"I'd like to place an order for Zoe Marshall." I said I to the phone "yes thank you." I said as I hung up. I put on my black blue jean jacket as I got into my car and drove to Pizza Hut to pick up my order. It was a 15 minute drive so they should have my pizza ready.

"What was the name on the order honey?" The women asked as she smiled politely at me. "Marshall, Zoe." I said as I grabbed my wallet and handed her the card. "Thank you, you have a lovely night hun!" She said giving me my card back and handing me the box of cheese pizza.

"You too, bye." I waved as I drove back and headed to my mailbox and grabbed my mail and headed to my apartment. Setting the pizza down I grabbed a paper plate and a bottle of ranch along with a fork (yes I actually eat pizza like this, don't judge.) and place a slice into my plate as I opened up Hulu and watched season 9 of American horror story. (Best season by far for me.)

Aren't you glad you called out today? I knew you would be, now your not so tense or stressed. I smiled as I saw my celebrity crush on the screen reaching up as his character was reaching an aerobics class. "Cody the things you do to me." I said as his character Xavier is so beautiful.

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