Star gazes

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A/n: just 4 more chapters and this book will be closed for business as another one will open! I cannot tell you guys how excited I am for book 3 I can't believe our small family has grown so much!

My day had been busy with the usual interviews and photoshoots for magazines and practicing my lines for the season finale of my first tv show. I couldn't believe I'd finally finished my first tv show, the cast and I had grown to be so close and I loved it.

"Yeah the constant love and goofing off during production was awesome! I just hope we all keep in touch and hopefully work on another show together." I said to the interviewer Cole.  "Are you doing a new series soon because rumor has it that you are." He said as he looked at me with a smile. "Uhm well uhm I am actually I'm going to be working on American horror story for a while but maybe I might work on another show." I explained as I played with my jeans. "Well thank you for Coming in Zoe, it was greatly appreciated." He said as he stood up to his full height and shook my hand. "Thank you Cole." I said as I unclipped my microphone and headed back home.

I finally got home around the time the sun had set. I saw Ambrose was here because of his baby blue powdered sports car was in the drive way. "Hi baby." I said petting marley. "Zoe hey." Ambrose said as he pulled me close to him. "Your home late, but it's okay! So I made us a little something." He said as he grabbed my hand and tugged me out onto the roof of my house. "Here we are." He said grabbing something inside a picnic basket. "Ambrose you really didn't have too." I said as his blue eyes looked at my hazel ones and lit up. "Zoe you've worked hard all day, just let me do this for once, you deserve it." He said pulling me carefully so I sat in between his legs. "Here have some of this." He said as he pulled a forkful of some pasta. "Am, this is so good! Holy moly!" I said as I moaned at the taste of the Alfredo and parsley. "See now enjoy bebs." He said as he pulled my hair back and used my hair tie to do a low bun. "How did I get so lucky to meet you?" I said s I took a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry. "You got lucky because you met me at a club." He jokes as he cleared his throat. "No I'm kidding I should be asking you that." He said as he gently brushed my stray hair away and closed the gap between us. "I love you Ambrose." I said quietly trying not to break the moment. "I love you too Zoe." He said as he laid down pulling me into him.

Our shoulders brushed against one another, my hand gently caressed his right tinted cheek as the air was chilly. "I'll always love you." I said as I rested my head down into his chest where we watched the stars and shared some good memories about our past. "Do you remember the day I invited you to my best friends wedding god! You were so scared to get in the ocean, and I remember you fell on your butt." Ambrose laughed at the fond memory of me. "Hey I didn't feel like going because I just didn't want to." I said as I propped myself up on Ambroses chest. "You remember the day we role played as teacher and student." I blushed at the memory remembering everything from the way he touched me and his grip on my thighs. "Yeah, yeah I do actually. I taught you some manners." He said chuckling as if it happened not long ago.

"Ambrose thank you for the night. It means a lot." I said as we both headed downstairs. "Oh also before I forget I got you another special something." His smile bright and excited. "Oh no what have you planned." I teased as I sat on the couch trying to prepare for the worst. "Oh shut up Zoe." He teased back as he kissed my head. "I'll be back in a second." He said heading upstairs to my bedroom. "Okay are you ready?" He said as his held my surprise in his arms. "Yes now just get it over with." I said as I had my eyes closed. "It's nothing bad Zoe I promise." He said as he gently brushed my hands away and I was met with a wet nose and hot breath. "Tada!" He said as I opened my eyes. My hazel orbs lit up at the sight of a cute puppy. "Aww Ambrose it's so cute." I said as I asked what the sex was. "Uhm it's a boy, I got him neutered and he's got a chip in him and he has a blue collar all he needs his a name." He said as he sat down next to me. The puppy Dalmatian wagged it's tail as he kissed me on the cheek. "Ah stop it stop it." I laughed. "Am, this is so nice of you." I said as I kissed him. "Oh well I wanted you to have something other than a cat to keep you company." He said as he looked away. My pulled his jaw to look at me. "Hey, I love it. Thank you." My lips smashed onto his as he guided the kiss and lead to us making out. Ambrose pulled away first. "Zoe I have to go but I left the dog stuff in your room so you don't have to worry about it." He said kissing me one last time before leaving. "Oh and Uh text me his name because I'm making his a tag tomorrow." He said sweetly as he petted the puppy one last time.

"Hey Winston, lets go tour the house together." I said as I picked him up. "This is the bathroom, this maybe where you stay." I said in a sweet voice. "This is the kitchen, now you may later on be able to eat human food." I explained as well. "This is my room, you don't slobber, pee or poo or destroy anything in this room. You will sleep here if I'm napping." I said as I put together the collapsable cage and set in some soft blankets. "Okay here you are." I said setting down his bowls that were labeled water and food.

"Here's a little toy and I'll leave some puppy pads down in case you have to pee. Don't want you to go just anywhere in the house." I said as I doubled the padding because I had wood floors. "Okay goodnight little buddy." I said as I pulled on my pajamas and brushed my teeth taking off my mascara and eyeshadow. "Oh thank good I feel better." I said as Marley came onto the bed. "Hey babygirl, don't worry I still love you." I said as I threw away the cotton balls. Heading straight to bed.

This is what Winston looks like ⬇️

This is what Winston looks like ⬇️

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