Days on a wire

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A/n: I know I made Zoe finish school in the last one to get her associates degree but I'm gonna make her her go back to school for her bachelors degree because as we all know Zoe is one smart girl, she just has a lot on her plate with stuff. Anyways enjoy!

Gauges Pov: (happy I brought it back huh?)

I woke up rubbing my eyes as I heard Zoe open the door. "Gauge, come on I'm gonna be late to go to university. Wake up." She said giggling as she closed my door.

"Yeah, I'll see you there, hey thanks for helping me out." She said as she spoke on the phone.

Dressing in my blue jeans along with my white button up and a sweater and putting on my converse. "Hey, you could've told me you were going last night instead of this morning Zoe." I said as I walked to the bathroom ready to brush my teeth and wash up. "Well I tried to but you were busy playing on your switch." Zoe said as her voice got louder, she walked in and hugged me. Taking me by surprise I hugged her back as her voice was breaking down into a whimper. "I'm gonna miss you atticus." Her voice muffled my my sweater as I lifted her chin up.

Her hazel eyes slightly pink with sadness. "Zoe honey, your going back to college because you want to go. I don't blame you, for wanting to me to be missed because we do have good times but your perusing your dreams." I said as I had gotten lost in them, then it dawned on me I was still in love with her, I shook my head as I got out of my trace by looking back down at her.

"Hey, don't worry Zoe, it's gonna be alright." I said as I started to brush my teeth and I watched her in mirror as she wiped her tears with tissue.

"I'll be in the car, all my stuffs in there already." She said smiling but it was a weak smile, I knew she was hurting but there was no reason for her to hurt.

Regular pov: Zoe's.

I sat in the car and waited as I listened to my playlist, one song I recently added days on a wire came up next as the track changed.

How the hell have you been?
Cause I've been dreaming there for while.

My mind wondered over the many memories Gauge and I had made over the years, from our first meeting to our first intimate moment, our first kiss, then that last things of our relationship.

The way he left to go off with ms. Lily who he was supposed to marry. He didn't marry her but they still talk and she hates me, it's okay because I hate her too.

Kiss me
Make me feel alive
Am I the one that you want?

The car door opened as Gauge placed his hand over mine, reassuring me everything will be alright. The drive was filled with little conversation. Your both thinking about something. Wonder what it could be?

My phone buzzed as I let go of his hand and typed my message to my friend jazzy. I looked out the window the mountains and hills covered in green made me think back to when I was a kid.

I smiled as I finally felt the feeling of being free and doing what I wanted to do ever since I was little. I could do this, no questions asked.

"Gauge, I know your gonna miss me more than the rest of them." I said as a small smiled peaked its way onto my lips. "Yeah, I'm always gonna miss you Zoe, your my best friend." He said as he smiled wider.

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