Chapter Seven

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The Black house was buzzing with anticipatin as the day of Bellatrix's wedding finally arrived. All of the family knew how important the day was as the Dark Lord's favourite and most loyal death-eaters were going to be united forever, 

As her bridesmaids, Cassiopeia and Narcissa were sat in her bedroom and watched as she slowly prepared herself for the ceremony. Bellatrix had ditched her normal dark attire and had instead donned a white dress. Both of her sisters admired how beautiful she looked. 

Cassiopeia had always been fearful of her sister's sharp tongue, scared of what Bellatrix was capable of doing, but pushed it all away as she was still her sister. She hoped she would never have to learn what Bellatrix could do but no matter how much she loved her, she knew there would come a day everyone learned of her eldest sister's madness. 

"I don't love Roldolphus," Bellatrix broke the silence as she finished styling her hair, "He and I were good friends at Hogwarts but there has never been love."

Narcissa frowned, "Then why are you marrying him?"

"Don't be foolish, Cissy. He's a pureblood and one of the sacred twenty-eight, why else would I be marrying him?" Bellatrix hissed angrily, "You two must remember the importance of blood purity, we can't allow muggles to increase their influence in our world. We must all do our bit to stop them. You two will join the Dark Lord's cause and help him defeat them once and for all."

Cassiopeia and Narcissa both glanced over at each, neither liking muggles terribly but neither sharing their sister's fanatic beliefs. 

"You two must have respectable matches. You're not too young to think about who, Cassiopeia."

"I'm only twelve, Bella."

"You're nearly thirteen!"

Cassiopeia went to object but Narcissa quickly said, "You have a few more years left before you have to worry about who you'll marry, Cassie. But don't worry Bella, we won't let the family down."

"We all have to be strong in these hard times," Bellatrix informed her sisters.

Cassiopeia stood up and walked closer to her, "I am strong, Bella. I might not seem like it, but I can promise you I am."

Bellatrix smiled at her youngest sister, "You'll be the strongest one of us all."

As the ceremony began, Cassiopeia stood beside Narcissa, her attention was not focused on the couple though, but entirely on their guests. Nearly all wore dark clothes and there was a coldness that seeped out from them that almost strangled her. Cassiopeia did not feel welcomed by her sister's friends. She was old enough to realise that they were not good people. She knew why they all wore long sleeves to cover the tattoo on their arm - to hide their allegiance. She could almost laugh at how the proud group were scared someone would  catch a glimpse of their tattoos. To Cassiopiea, they were merely cowards. 

Cassiopeia pushed all her thoughts away as she reminded herself these people were going to become her own friends in the years to come. She was destined to become one of the figures that were so proud yet fearful someone would find out. 

She applauded as Bellatrix and Roldolphus were pronounced husband and wife and then followed the couple out of the room with Narcissa. 

"Congratulations," Cassiopeia told her sister and husband. 

"I will marry for love," Narcissa whispered as the two sisters walked into the reception room, "I will make sure of it."

Cassiopeia stared at the newlyweds, "I hope I do. Maybe they'll grow to love one and other."

Narcissa scoffed, "This is Bellatrix we are talking about."

They glanced over at each other before smiling, "May we be luckier than her!"

Before Narcissa could reply, Rabastan Lestrange stopped in front of the sisters, "I apologise for the interruption, but may I steal Miss Cassiopeia away for a dance?"

Narcissa raised an eyebrow before smirking at her sister, "Of course you may. Go on Cassie."

Cassiopeia glared at her sister over her shoulder as she allowed Rabastan to lead her over to the dancefloor. They joined the many couples and started to slowly sway to the music, "I feel rude that I have yet to introduce myself," Rabastan told her, "We have been at Hogwarts together for a year already, yet this is the first time we have spoke."

"We have different friends," Cassiopeia politely told him. The truth was he was friends with Rosier and his fellow goons so Cassiopeia had chosen to avoid the group as much as she possibly could. 

"Your friends aren't supporters of the Dark Lord."

"They are purebloods," Cassiopeia curtly told him, "Their families are not against the Dark Lords."

"That doesn't mean they support him either," He smiled, "I'm jesting with you dear Cassiopeia, don't worry. You support him, don't you?"

"My family does."

Rabastan spun her around, "How are you finding the wedding?"

"It is pleasant enough," Cassiopeia told him, "Not unlike other weddings."

"This one is important though."

"Yes. It is." Cassiopeia told him. 

He smiled down at her, "You look beautiful as a bridesmaid, Cassiopeia."

She blushed as she looked away, "Thank you, Rabastan."

"I hope we can become friends."

"Of course."

Rabastan bowed before taking his leave. Sirius immediately replaced him and raised his eyebrow at her, "You don't have a crush on him, do you?"

"His brother has just married my sister, we are now family."

"You didn't say no."

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes as she held out her hand, "Are you not going to ask your favourite cousin to dance?"

"Cassiopeia Elara Black, will you dance with me?"

"I suppose so."

Sirius laughed as they started to dance, "I haven't brought shame to the family today, isn't that a big accomplishment?"

Cassiopeia laughed, "No one cares about you being here. You don't have to always be a pain, you know."

"I'm the Gryffindor, Cassie, I very much have to be the pain. It's expected of me."

"No, it's not. You're only going to make things harder for yourself."

"I refuse to be what they want me to be. What about you?"

She glanced over his shoulder at Bellatrix, "I want to make my family proud. I want my parents to be pleased with me."

Sirius scoffed, "You care too much."

Cassiopeia watched as he glanced around the room and opened his mouth as though he was going to speak, but there was a hesitation and silence continued. She wondered whether he was going to ask her where Andromeda was - she knew her cousin was dying to find out. Cassiopeia was unsure though as to whether she wanted him to. She hadn't the faintest idea of what she would tell him. 

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