Chapter Twenty-Five

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After avoiding the Black Late for nearly two and a half years, Cassiopeia finally stopped being so proud and went to visit it. She hoped she'd be lucky and that her sister would come. She did not want to lose another sister. Bellatrix was already unreachable but she still had hope for Narcissa. Cassiopeia was determined to not lose her.

It wasn't until half an hour later that she heard footsteps behind her and then the unmistakable scent of her sister's perfume overpowered her. Narcissa's silky voice then asked, "Can we talk?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" Cassiopeia replied as she glanced over at the blonde girl. 

"You know you have become awfully opinionated lately," Narcissa joked, "You are no longer the quiet Black sister."

"I have never been quiet," Cassiopeia replied with a small smile. 

"I really do need to thank you for helping Lucius. I know it was over a year ago now and I should have thanked you back then. I am sorry. I have been a terrible sister."

"We have both been so foolishly proud," Cassiopeia told her, "We really are Blacks."

Narcissa chuckled, "Mother and father would be pleased with us."

"Do you reckon the lake is named after our family? Dangerous as you don't know what's underneath the surface?"

Narcissa smiled sadly at her sister, "I'm scared, Cassie."

"I would think you too like Bellatrix if you weren't."

"Are you scared?"

Cassiopeia shrugged, "My time is a few years off, I'll leave the fear until then."

"I wish we were all children again, everything seemed so much easier then."

"Now look at us," Cassiopeia fiddled with the grass in front of her, "I don't know what has happened to us. Maybe it was always going to happen, inevitable over time."

"Don't say that, Cassie," Narcissa pleaded, "You have to promise me, Cassiopeia, that we will always be close and will never betray each other."

"No matter what happens?" Cassiopeia asked.

"No matter what."

Cassiopeia nodded, "I promise you Narcissa, I'll always protect you."

"And I, you," Narcissa held out her hand, "I will always be here for you Cassiopeia."

Cassiopeia placed her hand in her sisters, "You are scaring me now, Cissy."

"We don't know what the future holds for either of us."

"Oh come off it," Cassiopeia scoffed, "We will follow the paths laid out for us by our parents."

"Will we?"

"You are going to marry Lucius Malfoy and I am sure you two are going to be very happy together and then I will also marry some pureblood, and -"

"I wasn't talking about me, Cassie." 

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