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xxv. house of lights

AS HIS EYES flickered open, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light in the room, Jerome Clarke glanced over at his roommate's bed - empty, of course

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AS HIS EYES flickered open, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light in the room, Jerome Clarke glanced over at his roommate's bed - empty, of course. Alfie Lewis had remained in the sarcophagus all night, which was exactly where the blonde-haired prankster decided to take a trip to once he woke up, slipping out of his bedroom and letting out a small chuckle as he heard his friend's cries for help, which were slightly muffled due to him being locked inside of a sarcophagus.

"Help, let me out! I'm young! I'm over-privileged. I have a lot to give."

"Nobody double-crosses me." Jerome muttered under his breath; still irritated with his friend for ditching him and not giving him the information that he wanted, and also for lying to him - trapping him in the sarcophagus was simply revenge.

"Help!" The boy screeched yet again, banging against the sarcophagus in hopes for some sort of help - whoever did help him, Alfie Lewis owed his life to, and that's exactly what caused Jerome Clarke to begin acting.

"Alfie, is that you?" Jerome questioned with a confused tone to his voice, despite him knowing full well that it was Alfie stuck in the sarcophagus.

"Jerome? Let me out!" Alfie cried out once again, becoming more desperate as the seconds ticked by.

Not moving to undo the latch for the sarcophagus, and deciding to let the boy suffer for a little bit more, Jerome pretended to be puzzled as he inquired, "What are you doing in there?"

"Please!" Alfie sobbed manically, drawing out the end of the word as he continued to plead for help, desperately hoping to be free soon.

"Lucky I was here, eh?" Jerome said to the boy as he opened the sarcophagus, revealing the man in a very tight position that surely would have hurt his neck.

Panting, the boy stepped out of the sarcophagus and gratefully placed his hand on Jerome's shoulder, thanking him, "Oh, you saved my life, man."

"Totally. I saved it right up." Jerome agreed with the boy as he walked away, presumably to get ready for the day or perhaps have a nap - it was still fairly early, after all, and he mustn't have had a good sleep.

If only Alfie Lewis knew that Jerome Clarke had been the one to lock him inside the sarcophagus.

However, there were even bigger worries than Alfie Lewis being locked inside of a sarcophagus, especially to Amber Millington as the members of Sibuna sat around the dining table for breakfast, with the fashionista holding a mirror up and checking her appearance before she asked the group a very odd question and revealed her major worries to them.

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