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xxxvii. house of chance


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"Sydney!" Jerome Clarke's concerned voice pierced through the borders of dream and reality, and him gently but shaking Sydney Anderson's arm snapped her out of it, causing her to instantly shoot up into a sitting position on the bed that she was sharing with her childhood best friend (she had slept in the same room as her two best friends that night), her face extremely panicked whilst the blonde-haired boy quickly questioned worriedly, "What is it? Are you okay?"

"Should I call her aunt?" Alfie attentively asked, having rushed over from his own bed and then ran to the side of his roommate's bed upon being awoken by the female prankster's screeches, the two boys keeping their worried eyes locked on their friend.

"No, no." Sydney denied instantly, shaking her head whilst the two boys continued to look at her concernedly, despite her telling them, "I'm okay."

"Sydney, you're shaking." Jerome pointed out, quickly wrapping an arm around her and pulling her tightly into his side to stop her from trembling, whilst he stated, "I thought the nightmares had stopped."

"It wasn't about my parents." Sydney told them.

"The Grim Reaper?" Alfie suggested, being fully aware that the figure of death had caused numerous nightmares for the female prankster in the past, and thus Sydney just nodded - it wasn't necessarily a lie; the spirit did look like The Grim Reaper.

"I'm just going to get some water." Sydney announced to the pair of them, somewhat subtly grabbing her phone from the bedside table and getting up from the bed whilst brushing her finger through her hair frustratedly - that had not been how she had expected her night to go, afterall - and the two boys watched her leave the room cautiously.

As soon as she was inside the kitchen, she hurriedly opened up her phone and rang the person she hoped had an explanation for her nightmares of a spirit with the Mark of Anubis, Nina Martin, who immediately picked up the call and, before the prankster even had a chance to speak, left the greetings aside as she inquired worriedly, "Did you see her too?"

"Do you mean the spirit lady who just chased me around Anubis House in my sleep and looks weirdly like my biggest fear, aka, the Grim Reaper? Yeah, I saw her." Sydney answered, which caused the American to groan frustratedly - she really hadn't wanted her two friends/roommates to get involved and be threatened by the spirit as well; she found it bad enough that Fabian Rutter was cursed.

"Me too." Amber Millington's voice piped up, meaning that the call was on speakerphone from their end.

"You okay, Ambs?" Sydney asked concerningly, knowing how frightened the fashionista got over small things - the woods at night, a door swinging open, faint sounds - nevermind a spirit chasing her in her sleep and threatening her with the Mark of Anubis.

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