Chapter Two

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If my parents told me sooner about their on-going divorce, I would've accepted it easily-but no. I found out about it from other people! I heard about it from my mother's friend, whom I run into when I was at a café buying a drink. I called them both to assure myself that the woman who told me about the wonderful news was just lying, but no. It was real.

So real.

And it happened a year ago.

Like what the actual fuck? I look stupid believing their lovey dovey act whenever I talk to them through calls. I mean, who on earth does that?

I didn't wait for my their explanation when I called. I ended the call dashed out of the café and drove to who knows where. I don't even care about anything right now, I'm beyond mad at them for not having the guts to tell me.

I am their daughter for goodness sake!

I am not a kid anymore. I have the right to know. They lied and made me look stupid. Was it the reason they left? I always thought we could be happy again as a family but knowing about their divorce now? Psh, impossible.

My car suddenly came into halt, making me jolt back in the process. Damn, I forgot my seatbelt on. I tried starting the ignition again but its response was only weird noises. Shit.

I look around the place and there was no one around. The place was dark and empty, surrounded with nature. I'm glad I'm not afraid of the dark or any ghost so I have the courage to go outside and check what's wrong.

"Well, shit." The curse came out of my mouth like an air eagerly wanting to get out of my breath.

It started raining just a minute ago, which made me curse loudly. This day has to be kidding me. I tried calling mechanics I know and even some of my friends but they all told me they can't go because of the heavy rain in the city. I tried dialing the house number but it came straight into voicemail. I thought about some back up plans in my head and lucky me, I saw a light coming closer, it looks like a jeepney. Even if I haven't rode one, I am not ignorant to know how to hail one. So I grabbed my bag and locked my car, stepping more closer to the side walk.

The jeepney came to halt and I ran at the back. The people inside shifted a little bit to make a space for me. I sat in the corner part, beside a girl who looks like she's been ripped and torn from a horror movie. No offense, but she looks like shit. Her hair is messed up, her shirt is crumbling, and don't get me started with her facial expression. I don't often judge people but I like to judge now, it distracts me from the anger I've been feeling. And let's be real, we know when people look like shit and it happens so that she does look like shit at the moment.

Her legs came in contact with mine and I heard her hissed a little. I didn't minded her, I'm more focused on thinking where the heck I'm going to get help. Many passengers had gone off, along with I assume is the friend of the girl who is sitting beside me. I just guessed because she said goodbye to her.

I noticed that the girl I'm sitting with is looking at me, and it irritated me more. I don't even know why.

Strange FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon