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Tyrone's Pov

I was about to enter my room when I heard voices. Laughters actually coming from the cleaning room. I checked to see who's in there but surprised to see Yohan.

He's doing it again.

Playing by himself. He must've missed his medication last night.

I went to his room but couldn't enter. The room is locked.

He's having a hard time again.

Among us... Yohan isn't really into killing. Though he's good with it.
He said he hates it. But not as much as he hates himself not doing anything.

Most of his victims were killed only when he missed medications. Or he's having a hard time. The rest were my orders.

Though he hates killing. He never fails. Not once.

Yohan was suppose to be a mental patient right now. If it wasn't for me, he'll be dead already.

I was on a mission when I saved him. One of the mental patients caused a commotion and a lot of killings happened inside the asylum.

One of the patient gave him a juice with a high dosage of painkillers. If I had let him drink that, he would have died from overdose of painkillers.

That moment... while I was watching him... I remember when I was on his age... My mom tried to make me suicide by taking a lot of sleeping pills. And my mentor from Watchers saved me by kidnapping me.

I told myself that I should save this kid... he was still very young to die... so I should save him...

After living with us, we got used to see him suddenly talking to himself. That's when we'll know he missed his medications.
We can't even scold him since he have some patience issues.

That's why it's a wonder that the bully they killed last night lasted long.

Yohan isn't really an open person. When he's having a hard time. He locks himself in his room unless I summon him for a mission.

Recently... we became more worried with his behaviour.

When he laughs out of the blue... anyone can tell it was forced. That he doesn't really want to laugh. Just like now. He's forcing his laugh to play by himself

"Hyung?" I turned when I heard Kenzie.

"Oh! Hey!"

"What are you doing?" He asked while playing with his phone.

"Uhm... Since when did Yohan started to lock his room?"

"What? His room is locked again?" He said attempting to open the room's door.

"You're right! He missed his medication too did he?"

"I guess! He's laughing alone at the cleaning room!"

"Hmmm... Is it because Nick harassed him too much?" He asked rubbing his chin.

"Anyway! What are you doing here? You don't have a class?" I asked noticing he's not wearing his uniform.

"Ahh! Yohan and I are skipping class! We're going outside the city to track my sister!"

"Are you sure you can take him with you in his state?"

"Yeah! Don't worry! He'll be fine!"

"Take his medicine to be sure! Make sure you won't stay there for long!" I reminded him and he just nod.

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