DDC 28

89 7 3

Lau's Pov

The girls completely have no idea. While they're busy bonding with each other at the mansion. Yohan was summoned to the Cold Bodies Council.

Yohan nearly exposed our identity which is against our rules. The Council which the members are the leaders of each clans, will decide what his punishments will be.

We had to sent 3 members each from BULLETS, BLACK and KNIGHTS to look after the girls at home.

I couldn't focus much on their discussion as I was just looking at Yohan. He's just standing at the middle with a blank expression. Looking at the council.

I turned to Llanis when I heard him cursed under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear what they said?" Kenzie asked me and I shook my head.

"They gave Yohan that no.1 punishment on the list!" Llanis said filled with disappointment.

"What!!?" I exclaimed. I almost stood up from my seat.

Llanis was referring about the worst punishment. It wasn't that deadly though but it was a punishment that applies only with a member who have a muse.

He will be given a mission by the person who will punish him. If he fail that mission, the person who will punish him will execute his muse.

In short, if Yohan fails Lisa will pay for the consequences.

"They're punishing him not just for being careless and almost exposing our identity. But also disregarding the WATCHER's rules that he shouldn't have a muse. And making himself vulnerable." Llanis retorted clenching his fist.

"Even if they don't say it. They really hate the fact that Yohan found his muse from an outsider. They were expecting Dahyun to be his muse and now they're blaming him that her clan betrayed us because he chose Lisa instead of her." Kenzie added.

"Lisa have nothing to do with this! Besides! Dahyun already betrayed us before Yohan met Lisa!" I said and they agreed.

"Which clan are trying to pull him down?" I asked.

"WHITE of course! Who else?" Llanis retorted.

"They were never in favor of us being a WATCHER especially when we didn't choose them as part of DISTRICT 7. They hate it that we're from multiple clans!" Llanis added. He seems really annoyed.

"It wasn't just WHITE who's not in favor of us! I won't be surprise if they are the traitors Tyrone were referring to!" Kenzie said.

"They're being obvious don't you think?" Llanis said with a sarcastic tone.

We immediately stopped conversing when they announced that Phoenix will be the one to punish Yohan.

I got more worried for Yohan. Phoenix never really cared even if it's his friend  whom he will punish.

The meeting was dismissed and we went to the dungeon.

The dungeon is where we keep all the prisoners of DDC. Shaun had turned them into a zombie-like people after feeding them only human flesh with a peculiar type of drug. By means of feeding them with human flesh, Shaun developed a hobby of cooking a chosen prisoners to feed to the others.

Then after a month. We bring all the prisoners to the pit for the Killing Game. Which is after the masquerade ball days from now.
Every loyal Cold Bodies are welcome to join or just watch. It's fun.

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