DDC 20

79 9 2

Lisa's Pov

I really had no idea that Yohan will be driving me home tonight. I'm lucky enough that Cyril unnie didn't saw him entering the car.

We left last at the mansion and he was quiet for the whole ride.

"We can just ride home ourselves! You guys don't have to drop us home!" I said looking at the side mirror.

"You can expect an ambush if you travel together!" He said.

"We already came to that mansion together and we're still in one piece! There's no difference!"

"Just being cautious doll!" He said and I turned to him.

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Why? You don't like it?"

"Unnie will kept nagging me! She already told me to stay away from you!"

"And are you?..." he said but I didn't answer.

"I'm not your obligation doll! So if you feel like avoiding me! Feel free to do so!"


After that talk. He remained quiet again. His phone rang and he took it to read a message probably. After he read it, I noticed that he took a different path.

"Yah! Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait..."

"Yah! You have to take me home! Unnie will scold me again if I come home late!" I said pulling his arms.

"Stop! Can't you see I'm driving!?" He retorted before pulling back his arms from my hands.

"I really wanted to send you home but... someone came at your house!" He said and didn't even bother to look at me.

Someone came to our house? Maybe it's just my unnies... He's just being paranoid...

"It's just my unnies! You're being paranoid! Just bring me home!"

"I received a message from Lau! He told me to bring you in one of our safe house! Even your friends are on their way there!"

"Wait! You mean to say that someone really came to our house!?"

He nod.

"Don't worry! I'll get you to safety!" He said.

"Yah! This is unbelievable! Who are you really!!? Why is there so much people trying to get you!?" I retorted.

Gosh! This is so annoying.

I didn't expect this would happen to me here... What am I suppose to tell my parents if they ask me someday about the city?

"I'm sorry..." he suddenly whispered...

I remember the night he whispered those words to me. That night when we were caught by the curfew.

"I understand that this isn't the life that you wanted to happen to you in this city... But DDC isn't a place of rainbows and cupcakes doll... The only thing that matters here is survival... If you didn't get a protection from the Watchers or anyone from the Cold Bodies... You are good as dead!"

"The Watchers? The leader of the entire Cold Bodies? I mean the entire city!?"

"You're lucky enough that you have us..."

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