DDC 13

84 8 0

Maxine's Pov

It's been 15 days already after what happened at the school. Phoenix and Yohan recovered with the speed of light.

The boys have become furious because of the threatening messages. Even Kessie and me started to receive them. And it gets worse by the day.

Their killings is increasing and it's become a huge burden for Tyrone. We had to file a sick leave at school nust so we can focus about Dandrell's case.

Tyrone already held a mesting with theo clans leaders. He also reminded them to take extra measures.

Tyrone changed the curfew earlier than 8 for the residents safety. And The Cold Bodies will spread around the city to patrol.

Meanwhile. Phoenix and Kenzie are busy tracking our messengers. It really bothers the boys about the news.

At first we thought that the sibling they're refering to was Kessie. But it turns out they were referring to someone else.

While the boys are busy with their own tasks. Kessie and I decided to run a background check on them base on how much we know about them.
We excluded Kenzie and Maxshaun of course.

"Are you sure Phoenix is the only child?" Kessie asked.

Among the boys. Phoenix, Lau and Llanis have the most secured story.

Especially Phoenix. Since Phoenix barely talk and approach anyone. While Yohan have a mental problem so not everything he says will be fact.

"Yeah! I think so! Tyrone said he's the only child!" I said.

"But... Is Gabrielle really his last name?"

"What? Even you know that it's really his last name! Why are you even asking?" I said almost laughing.

"I actually have a friend who said she have a missing step brother here! I thought she was only joking because of me and Kenzie. But her last name is also Gabrielle! Though she said she was adopted..." she said confused while rubbing her chin.

"Well if she's adopted then it's impossible that she's related to Phoenix!" I said.

But she suddenly stared on thin air as if something just popped up in her mind.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" I shrugged her.

"Maxine... How did Phoenix became a Watcher?" She asked slowly looking at me.

"Uhm... I don't know... Should we ask boo?" I said and stood up.

We went to Tyrone's room and fortunately he's just sitting on his chair checking something with his phone.

"Boo!" I called him and he looked at me.

"Can we ask you something?" I said.

"Sure! Be quick!" He said putting down his phone.

"Do you remember how Phoenix became a Watcher?" I asked.

He took off his glass and faced me properly.

"He was the second member after me. My mentor brought him when he was 8. My mentor said that Phoenix went through a lot and in need of a brother. He trained with me and slowly he got better!" He said.

"Why? What happened to him?" Kessie asked.

"My mentor said that his father was killed on live television. In front of him. He was suppose to be next when my mentor arrived at the scene." He explained.

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