DDC 49

69 8 1

Kenzie's Pov

I was so glad that I was able to deactivate the bomb. I immediately ran back up.

But I was surprised of the sight that greeted me. I am the only person alive standing in

I recognized that some of the men lying on the ground are from BULLETS and BLACK.

I looked for Phoenix and I saw him since he's the only one around here with the bluest hair.

Tsk. He have a thing for hair colors. Well not likely for the worst killer right.

"Hyung! Hyung! Wake up!" Da*n. He's injured.

'Kenzie!!! Where are you!!?'

I heard Tyrone.

"I'm here! Good news! I've disabled the bomb!" I said proudly.

'Lara and Karen's car are approaching the road not far from your location! Chase after them!'

"Man! Phoenix is injured!"

'Just get your ass on the car and chase them!'

"F**k! Man! Wake up!" I said and tried to shook him harder.

His right side is bleeding and so is his neck. I hope no one had slit his throat

"Phoenix wake up! They have Lara and Karen!!!" I yelled at him and I heard him groaned.

Then a few seconds he opened his eyes.

"Where's... w-where's my sword" he asked as he tried to stand up.

I grabbed the sword strucked on a dead man not far from me and gave it to him.

"Lara and Karen's car are approaching our road! I'll drive!" I said and we went to the car.

I drove the car on the side waiting for another car to pass by.

"Are you alright?" I asked him as he was still groaning.

"I'm fine!" He said and took off his black bandana.

He tied it tightly around his neck.

"I can hear their car!" I said and a smile formed on my lips.

It's been a month since I raced. This will be fun.

I started the engine and waited for them to pass by.

And then....

"F**k!!!" Phoenix exclaimed when I drifted the car to bump them.

I laughed at his expression and continued driving.

He took my gun and started shooting the glass and it shattered. Then he went out of the car and jumped on the enemies car.

This dude haha.

"Yah! Wait for me!" I yelled.

I opened the door and intentionally bumped the car so the door broke and fell. Then I drove to the car's side and saw the ladies looking at me.

"Hi!!!" I said and waved my hands.

The man beside the driver tried to shoot me but before he could, Phoenix sliced off his hand causing him to yell in pain.

The driver drove hastily and tried bumping me.

"Asshole!!! Get in here!!!" Phoenix yelled at me from the car's top.

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