DDC 27

71 11 1

Lisa's Pov

It was already time for lunch when we arrive at their mansion. I gotta admit that there's also part of me that is excited.

I'm curious how our life will turn out once we started to live with this killers.

"Let's go!" Yohan pulled me to his room.

I kinda' miss his room. His purple themed room.

I walked towards the bed where I slept before but he suddenly snaked my waist.

"I know that you already know how I feel about you doll! But I still want to clear it... I like you so much... I'm so obssess with you... If anything happens to you I don't know what will become of me... You're my life and I need you..." he whispered to my ears.

He really liked me... But why? Why me?

"Yohan... What do you like about me?" I asked him.

"You brought the light to my dark life doll... What about you? What am I to you?" He asked and turned me to face him.

Argh... What am I gonna tell him???

"I don't know Yohan... I'm still confused... A lot of things happened to me and my friends..." I said as I look down.

He held my chin up and leaned closer to me.

"I can always wait for you doll... I will always be here for you..." he whispered again.

I accidentally looked at his lips. His pinkish kissable lips.
Aaahhhh!!! Lisa stop!!!! What are you even thinking!!?

"I know what you're thinking doll! And you can have it!" He said and smiled making me blush.

"Yah! I-I'm not thinking anything!" I denied and he smiled again.

"You're quite feisty doll!" He said and hugged me.

Da*n! He's so touchy. I can feel his hard chest.

We returned to the living room and the unnies are already there. They all gave me a death glare especially Yohan when they saw him holding me on my waist.

Llanis and Lau suddenly appeared jumping from the stairs. We were all surprised for a while that it was only a piece of cake for them. I mean the stairs were too high for them to jump from it.

"Hey ladies! Have you picked your rooms?" Lau asked.

"We did!" Ierre answered.

"It's time for lunch! Aren't you going to feed us?" Karen said with a sarcastic tone.

"Hmmm... You're right! I suddenly felt hungry! What's the meal for lunch today?" Yohan spoke while digging his chin on my shoulder and back hugging me.

The girls even glared harder on us.

"Shaun just left with Tyrone! Who's cooking then?" Llanis asked.

This boys. Can't they cook?

"We can't cook doll! We were busy learning to kill instead of learning to cook!" Yohan said and the boys laughed.

"Do you really have to be proud of your killings?" Lara unnie asked sarcastically and the boys expression suddenly turned blank.

"What do you expect? Even demons have something to be proud with!" Llanis said.

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