DDC 29

82 8 1

Tyrone's Pov

"We only have days ahead Tyrone... They are still expecting us to come..." Shaun said.

The upcoming masquerade ball is coming. It's a ball held only for the Cold Bodies. The ball is celebrated every 6 months of the year. And of course the WATCHERS are obligated to come. Not to mention with dates.

It's our tradition to celebrate this ball in a way to pay respect for our ancestors.

"This isn't really a good time to attend the party... We have so much better to do than that!" Kenzie said while busy doing something with his laptop.

"It's actually a good opportunity! We're currently playing the Death's Game... And it's not impossible that the traitor will be coming to the party..." Phoenix spoke.

"You're right... But that means we will be leaving the house... The girls will be unprotected!" Lau retorted.

"We can no longer trust their safety to our people... So it would be best to take them with us..." Llanis suggested.

"Even if we take them, they can't enter the party! Only a Cold Body can enter!" Lau.

"Then we can disguise them as one of us!" I said and they all turned to me.

"How? The entire Cold Bodies know each other!" Shaun.

"Not at all!" Phoenix spoke again.

"Among the Cold Bodies... Only 3 clans have not revealed an identity... The ALPHA, SHADOWS and PIONEERS!" He added and they seem to understand what he meant.

"Then they can choose which clan they want..." Yohan.

"But would they agree? Especially their brat unnie!" Lau asked probably referring to their oldest, Cyril.

"Leave her to me... It's not like she can refuse us!" Shaun said rubbing his chin.

"Instead... I have an idea!" Llanis.

"We haven't attended the party for four years... So we can set a trap by announcing that we will be coming to the party... It's possible that they will come to the mansion to capture the girls... Get what I'm saying?" He added.

I smiled just by thinking about his plan. He's really feisty everytime he makes a plan.

"Still, if we will announce that we're attending the party, we're gonna have to go... Which means we need to inform the girls..." Lau said.

"We can leave Maxine and Kessie to take charge here! We can ask them to lure them to the pit! We can also ask some of the members of the 3 major clans to assist them." Kenzie suggested.

By 3 major clans, he meant the ALPHA, SHADOWS and PIONEERS .

"I agree! It'll be too late for the girls if they accidentally enter the pit..." Yohan commented.

"It'll be fun! After all, the Killing Game will be held after the party!" Kenzie said while shaking his hands.

"Then the girls need a training since they will be on their own!" Shaun.

"We need to prepare them as we only have days ahead!" Yohan.

"Okay... Then moving on... Daniel and MJ found a lead... However it was outside the city..." I said.

"I can come check it out with them!" Shaun volunteered.

"I have a business deal outside the city anyway..." he added.

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