DDC 38

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Karen's Pov

I just finshed showering when Lara unnie told me that she saw Shaun and Kenzie rushing Tyrone to the infirmary at the training ground. Maxine was also with them. She said that Tyrone was unconscious.

"What do you think happened to him?" Ierre asked and Lau suddenly came.

"You girls look... awful? Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Your leader was rushed to the infirmary!" Cyril unnie said.

"What!!?" He suddenly exclaimed and we all flinched.

He didn't ask more and just ran. We stayed at the common room for a while when we saw Shaun and Kenzie. Both of them are dressed and prepared to leave.

They both looked serious.

"Hey! What happened?" I asked them and they both looked at each other.

"I saw you guys earlier! What happened to Tyrone?" Lara asked as well.

"Don't worry about him... He just overworked himself... A little rest for him and he will be fine like nothing happened!" Shaun said and force a smile.

"Then where are you going?" Ierre asked.

"Just don't do anything stupid!" Kenzie said then they left.

Tch. He's gotten sensitive again.

We were busy mumbling at each other when Lau and Llanis came.

"What's with that look!?" Llanis raised an eyebrow at me and sat beside me.

He grabbed a comics on the coffee table while Lau sat beside Ierre.
We were awkward for a while when Llanis suddenly got a call. He answered it not bothering that we're there.


"Shaun told me what happened to Tyrone..." It was Phoenix.

"Don't worry, he's fine! Anyway! How's Yohan?"

"He's improving... We should have just brought him here before... He improved so much here within just a few days..."

"That's good news!"

"You want to talk to him?"

"Can I? But shouldn't he be on some kind of some test right now or whatsoever you guys are doing there?"

"Hold on..."

I almost forgot about Yohan. Phoenix said he improved so much. It's probably the best thing this boys have heard today.

"Yohan! It's Llanis!"

Lau immediately ran and sat beside Llanis when he heard those. While the girls and I looked at Lisa. She looked sad while watching Llanis and Lau.

"Hey bastard! Hehe!" Llanis.


"Yah!!! You didn't spoke to us for days and that's how you'll greet us!? Tch! What a bastard!" Lau yelled.

"It's good to fin'lly hear from you Yohan... How is it there?" Llanis.

"I'm doing fine here... You miss me already? "


"I heard what happened to Tyrone!"

"He's fine! Don't worry about him! Well anyway! Do you have a lot of time to spare?"

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