DDC 16

74 8 1

Lisa's Pov

The farther I stay away from his house. The more I felt scared.

My tears kept streaming for a reason.
Or maybe I was just an idiot for expecting that there's something special between us.

It's already 8PM and I got lost again.

Wherever I go was dark. Too quiet. I felt the fear taking my whole body.

I immediately hide behind a huge garbage bin when I heard voices not very far from me.

"He should have died! How did he survive that poison!?"

"We shouldn't have underestimated them! They wouldn't become a Watcher if they can be easily penetrate by mere poisons!"

"What other options do we have?"

"We can use the girls!"

"Take care of it! We can't fail the boss!"

"But there's something I'm curious about! How did he survive that poison! Only the boss knows how to do that!"

"I heard he was operated by his--"

I accidentally pushed the trash bin causing it to make a loud noise.

I ran away immediately not bothering to look back.

I screamed when I heard loud footsteps coming after me.

"Where do you think you're going?" A man suddenly appeared in front of me causing me to trip.

It was too dark and I can't see him properly. He slowly walked towards me so I crawled backwards.

"You look ridiculous!" He said followed by a devilish laugh.

After a few seconds. Two men arrived and they surrounded me. One of them grabbed my face.

"Yah! I think it's her!" The man said before pushing me away.

They whispered about something before turning to me again.

My eyes widened when they took out a knife.

"How do you think he would feel if we kill his muse?" The man from the left asked and they just laughed.

I immediately screamed in pain when the man in the middle struck his knife to my legs.
My legs started to shiver and slowly they started to feel feeling numb.
I closed my eyes as my breath slowly rapids.

Someone. Please.
Help me...

"Don't touch her..." I heard a familiar voice.

I couldn't open my eyes for being too nervous. Instead I just listened to his voice.

They were throwing threats to each other. Until I heard them grunting in pain.

It took them a few minutes until someone hugged me. I flinched thinking it was one of the men trying to kill me.

"Hush... It's me Lisa..." he whispered stroking my hair with his hand.

I opened my eyes and even though it's dark. I'm sure that it's him.

"Just look at me!" He said and I had no idea that he would pull the knife on my leg.

I grunted in pain while he ripped the hem line of his long shirt. He tied it on my wounded leg tightly causing me to groan in pain.

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