DDC 17

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Lisa's Pov

Llanis asked me to talk to him in private. But he waited until the girls are asleep and he invited me to the terrace.

"I don't usually trust people easily... But... Since only you changed Yohan..." he said.

"Changed him? What was he before? A monster?" I said trying to joke.

But he didn't buy it. Instead he smirked.

"He was worse than that... And you already saw it... Am I right?" He asked suddenly reminding me of what happened earlier.

How he killed those two men in just a split second using a small knife.

"I saw him killed those two... I clearly saw him with my eyes..." I said as I look down.

I really wish it was just a dream.

"I can't believe that he could do that..." I added.

"He can do more than that Lisa... You still barely know him..." he said making me confuse.

"I trust you with him Lisa... I will trust you... Because the hyungs and I believe that you can tame him... But in order to do that properly... You have to know everything about him..."

"I- I don't understand... Why are you giving me such task?"

"Lisa don't you notice that he always smile in front of you? That never happened to him before... Because of you... he was able to talk to me about himself... He mentioned me that you were curious of why he's taking medications..."

"Do you know why?"

"He's a mental patient..." he said laughing causing my eyes to widen.

"He's a m-mental patient?"

"Of course we already brought him to an asylum here. But he killed 12 patients in just 3 days... So we decided to take him back before he could kill everyone..."

So that's why it was easy for him to kill those two.
Because he's done it before.

"If he doesn't take his medication in time, he can be dangerous. He gets worse by the day... And even though he already took his medicine... He would always laugh by himself in his room... What's worse is his laugh is always force..."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I have a hunch that you might avoid him after what happened... So I want to ask you to stay beside him..."

"First... I'm not planning to avoid him! Second! I will only agree if you answer all my questions! And third! You gotta explain to me what happened back at your house with Kessie!" I exclaimed and he nod.

"Kessie and I have been together ever since we were kids! But she abandoned us 4 years ago and fled to your city! What happened between us in my room is too personal!"

"Why did Kessie abandoned you? Wait!" I cut off.

Is he like Yohan too? He's also a killer?

"That's right! Whatever you think Iam! But that's not the reason why Kessie abandoned us!"

"Us? Who's us?"

"You'd be surprise if I tell you so it will be better for you to see it for yourself! If you just looked around in Yohan's room! You'll see seven handsome men in one frame!" He said smiling sheepishly causing my eyes to roll.

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