DDC 37

72 9 0

Maxine's Pov

Two days have passed already after Lisa returned at the mansion. The ladies were doing their best not to bore themselves here and made themselves busy studying and training.

Lisa and Cyril had an argument but I heard they're fine now.

It's already 6 in the morning and the boys are still asleep. Maybe because they went to the pit last night for the Killing Game.

I went to my room to shower and Tyrone was also there but he's sleeping on his desk. I didn't know he came back. The boys said he had to stay with the Council.

I looked at him and immediately notice the papers scattered around him. Even his gun and its bullets are on the bed. His glasses is broken again. His hair is messy. And his snore sounded cute.

He seems really tired and exhausted.

I took his gun and bullets and put it inside the drawer. I fixed the papers on the desk and threw his glass on the bin.

"Boo... Wake up!" I tried shaking him but he's sleeping very deeply.

I tried to lift him but I suddenly feel like throwing up. I ran to the bathroom and throw up. After throwing up, I went to the sink and washed my mouth.

I looked at myself on the mirror.

"Since when did I get morning sickness?" I asked myself on the mirror.

I must have ate something last night that upset my stomach.

I returned to the room and tried to put Tyrone in bed without waking him up.

Then I went to the closet to get some clothes when I notice the small white rectangular box on the cabinet. I opened it and saw a pregnancy test.

I remembered Shaun bought it for me. He said he knew that I've been sleeping with Tyrone without using any protection. And that he knew I won't be able to ask him about it. So he bought this for me. He even mentioned that he already have a doctor prepared to take care of me just in case. And baby stuffs stored in one of the penthouse he owned.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the box.

I took a shower first before going to the kitchen. Shaun is already there preparing breakfast with Cyril.

"Hey!" I said and they both turned to me.

"Oh! Maxine! Is Tyrone home already? He didn't come home with us last night!" He said.

"He's in our room! I didn't know when he got there! I slept in Yohan's room last night! He seems very exhausted..." I said and sat on the chair.

"Why won't he? Hehe! Oh! If he woke up! Remind him about WHITE and Mina! Those traitors are still in our dungeon!" He said and pointed the knife at me.

"I was planning to bring the prisoners with him but you said he's tired! So I'll just ask Kenzie about it! Hehe!" He added and sliced whatever meat he's slicing.

"Are you alright Maxine? You look pale!" Cyril asked me.

Tch. We're not that close for you to worry about me you know?

"I'm fine..." I said before leaving them.

I went to the common room and Lau, Ierre and Lisa were there.

"Oh! Unnie! Come sit with us!" Lisa suddenly pulled me.

"You look pale!" Lau said.

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