DDC 35

71 8 0

Lisa's Pov

I didn't know how long we've been hiding. Ierre and I got separated from the others after Yohan entered Lara's room earlier.

We're both hiding under the cupboard at the kitchen. Both holding a small knife.

I can't control myself anymore. I can't breathe properly.

I've never been this scared of Yohan before.

I heard Cyril unnie screaming while Yohan were laughing like freak.

Oh no. He always hated unnie.

What if he kill her???

I didn't hesitate to come out and immediately saw him. Strangling unnie.

"Yohan!!!" I ran to him and pulled him away from her.

But he choke me instead of her. Then Ierre appeared and tried to stop him hut he just choke us both.

He's still laughing. His eyes are so dark.
He doesn't look. like anything from the Yohan I loved. He looked like a demon.

I saw Lara and Karen both carrying a steel baseball bat. They both hit his head causing him to let us go.

Ierre and I pulled Cyril unnie away from them as she was losing consciousness.

They continue hitting him with a steel bat when suddenly Yohan grab a hold of the bats with his hand. It probably hurt but he didn't seem to be affected by it.

He pulled the bat and threw it away. He grasp both their heads and knocked them together. Both of them lost consciousness.

Yohan took out a gun so I immediately pushed him.

"Stop it!!! Don't you dare hurt them!!!" I yelled at him but he just slapped me causing me to fall.

Ierre was gonna help me but he shot her. I didn't know where but she fell.

He grabbed my feet and pulled me out of the mansion.

"Yohan!!!" I heard two familiar voices.

There were men who surrounded us and aiming a gun at him. Maxine and Kessie were standing not far from us.

"Let her go!!!" Kessie yelled at him.

Yohan suddenly pulled me to stand up. Da*n. My body ached so bad because of what he did.

I felt something cold touched my nape. It was a blade.

I heard him laugh again.

"Yohan! Please don't hurt her!" Kessie yelled again but he's still laughing.

However... It was force... He's weird and creepy because of the way he laughed.

I can't breathe. I feel like the air from my lungs are draining. My head was starting to feel dizzy.

"Oh doll... It's you!" He said with the most creepiest tone.

"Shoot him!" I heard Maxine ordered them.

Wait what? Shoot him? They're gonna kill him?

Before I could stop them. They shot Yohan.

I didn't hear any gunshots. But I wasn't able to check when I suddenly fell and lose my conscious.

I opened my eyes to see pairs of worried eyes in front of me. I tried to sit up but Karen stopped me.

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