DDC 21

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Lisa's Pov

I immediately turn around after hearing his voice.

It was Phoenix standing in front of me.

His face is as usual as expressionless.

"I- I'm sorry..." I muttered with my legs shaking.

This guy is seriously making me shiver.

"I would have killed you if Yohan doesn't need you..." he said before taking the frame from my hand and put it back on the nightstand.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions... But I can't answer that for you... Instead... you can just try breaking the rules once you move in the mansion..." he said before walking towards the door.

"I- I thought you already left..." I said still trembling in my shoes.

"I did... I came back for my sister..." he said before leaving me.

After he left, I immediately ran back to my room and locked the door.

Kessie's Pov

Days have passed already and it already counted for a month. Today's my last day of punishment.

Llanis didn't really punished me with torturing and bleeding included. He did everything in a sexual way.
Doing everything I was never ready for.

A lot of instances happened that I woke up with only my top wearing.
Atleast he didn't thought of forcing sex with me.

But I knew he will do it today. He would always remind me whenever I leave his sight.

I already finished moving my stuff at the mansion where the girls are also staying. Brother and Llanis came to help me too.

Llanis left first and I thought brother was leaving as well but he said he wanted to talk to me so we went to my room.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked coldly.

"I just wanna congratulate you... The month is almost over... And you're finally free from Llanis' grasp..." he said looking around my room.

"But just because your punishment is over, it doesn't mean that you're finally free!"

"What do you mean? Of course I know that!"

"The reason I stayed here, was because Tyrone wanted me to relay a message to you!"

"What message?"

"He's sending you on a mission with the maknae line! Maxine is also coming so there will be exactly five of you!"

"What's the mission?"

"Yohan was invited on a trade game by BLOOD! The bargain will be death..."

"You're leader is giving me a deadly mission! Why me!? I haven't killed anyone for 4 years!"

"Don't underestimate yourself peaches! Llanis will train you starting tomorrow! The game will be held at the Morris Bridge next week by midnight! So you better be prepared! Tyrone want their heads so you better do a good job and don't be a dead weight to the guys!"

"What if I refuse?"

"This mansion will explode before any of you could attempt to leave!"

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