DDC 45

54 8 1

Yohan's Pov

It's been 2 days since Lisa's parents came to our house...

Since I found out she was engaged.

Even Kenzie and Kessie haven't gone back yet. Busy watching Lisa.

I couldn't bring myself to talk to her after her father told me those. After I found out she's Lau's little sister.

For 2 days. I spent my whole time shutting everyone out. For 2 days. I spent my time training and sleeping.


I didn't check my phone so I have no idea if she tried reaching out to me.

Or if I'm still receiving some lame threat messages.

Was her engagement the reason why she was begging me not to let her go?

But how am I suppose to do that now that I know she's engaged with someone.

And she didn't even told me...

Was that why she was avoiding my calls and messages before?

It's past 3PM and I decided to go on the training ground at the arrow section. After only a few minutes.

Lau came.

Both of us had shut everyone out after what happened.

We remained quiet for an hour just shooting arrows. Then we both went to the guns station and keep shooting at the standee.

I didn't notice how long we've been there but if someone would see us right now. They'll think that both of us are obviously angry right now the way we shoot.

I was about to shoot again when Lau blocked me.

"What the f**k!? Move!!!" I yelled and he was only raising his eyebrow with his arms crossed.

"What do you want?!" I asked refilling my gun with bullets.

"I knew..." he said and I stopped.

I look at him woth a confused look.

"Knew what?"


I sighed after he said her name.

I don't what to do about her anymore...

"So?" I muttered before continuing to refill my gun.

"I didn't expect that evryone will believe that the news was referring to Ierre..." he started.

"But the news was actually referring to Lisa... Would you like to know how I found out?" He asked but I didn't answer.

"Because Lisa is engaged to the person who's targeting Lara and Karen. The person who kept importing drugs to DDC!" He said.

By that person... does he mean about Rain.

"You're right... She's engaged with Rain!" He said and I huffed.

"And as we all know, he's working straight for Dandrell... So Lisa is caught on a trap. Because if she refused the engagement. Dandrell will not hesotate to kill her parents..." he added and he sound serious.

"Do you really love my little sister Yohan?" He asked and I huffed again.

I moved to his side and started shooting at the standee.

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