DDC 23

92 8 0

Lara's Pov

I flinched when Karen suddenly jumped off her bed and ran towards the cabinet. She pushed it towards the door making sure no one can enter.

"Yah! Karen! What are you doing!?" I asked but she's too busy to block the door so I decided to help her.

After we blocked the door. She locked the door to the terrace.

"Yah! Can you tell me what's happening to you!!?" I retorted.

"Unnie! He knew! He knew we went there! And he's coming for us!" She said and she's starting to shiver in fear.

"W-what? Who's coming for us?"


He's coming?
What's gonna happen to us now?
Is he going to kill us because we already know who they are?
What if they harm the girls too?
What will they tell them if they kill us?

I tried getting myself together and think of something better to do.

"They can't kill us!" I said.

"How are you even sure about that!?" She's panicking.

"If they kill us here! Protecting us will be useless for them! Besides! So what if they're killers? It's not like they're allowing us to go out so we can tell about it to other people!" I said as I myself is starting to panick.

We went to the bathroom and hid there.

After atleast 10 minutes. We heard the door suddenly trying to open. We heard a loud bang from the door.
They're probably trying to kick it open but the cabinet was too heavy.

They can't shoot the door or else the girls will woke up. So there's a high possibility that they can't enter.
They suddenly stopped causing a long silence that scare us even more.

Then we heard a loud shattering of glass.

Did they break the window? Then it means that they climbed up to our room.

We heard several footsteps approaching the room. Karen started to tear up as she was so scared of what they might do to us.

We heard the cabinet was being moved from the door and the footsteps started approaching the bathroom.

We both screamed in top of our lungs when one of them opened the door.

Kenzie was the one who opened the door and Phoenix is behind him.

I notice that Phoenix hand is bleeding. He must've punched the window with his bare fists to enter our room. But he doesn't seem to be affected by it.

"You have the guts to disobey the rule but you have no guts to face us..." Kenzie teased.

"A-are you going to kill us?" I asked trying my best to face death.

"We should! But hyung wanted to summon both of you!" He said and smiled sheepishly.

"W-what do you want from us?" I asked again.

"To kill you both of course! We really wanted our identity to remain hidden until we get replaced by next generation! But you girls ruined it!" He said and he stroked Karen's hair with his hand causing her to flinch.

Kenzie laughed like a psychopath while Phoenix is just smiling at us. It wasn't just any typical smile. It was a smile that will make you shiver to your bones. It was a rare devilish smile.

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