DDC 50

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Tyrone's Pov

A week had passed after the Death's Game ended.

The whole world knows all of us as well.

And the city returned to what it used to be before.

The ladies parents arrived at the city a few days ago to look after their daughters.

Phoenix recovered immediately but he almost spent his entire week at the Grand Central Hall where all the Cold Bodies are recuperating.

He's there with Llanis and Shaun treating them.

After Yohan and Lisa fell from the cliff. Yohan is on coma while Lisa just woke up last night. But unfortunately, the doctor said she'll have a temporary amnesia.

He said that she will regain her memories after a week. So her parents decided to take her home. Lau decided to come with them to take care of Lisa. Ierre came as well, since Phoenix is quite bisy and she had no parents left.

"Hyung!" I heard Kenzie called me.

We're in Yohan's room right now.

"Lara and Karen's parents are outside! They wanted to meet the rest of us... But..." he trailed and I stood up.

We went outside the room and the two were waiting with their parents.

We greeted each other before we invited them to Yohan's room.

"We're really thankful that you took care of our daughters! I don't know what we would do if someone harmed them! We're so grateful to you!" Their mom said and we just smiled.

"Did the doctor said when he'll wake up?" Karen asked.

"He's in coma... We don't know when he'll woke up..." I said and she pouted.

"Anyway! Hasn't Phoenix returned yet?" Lara asked.

"Oh yeah! Our parents wanted to meet him!" Karen added and smiled at Lara.

"We haven't heard from him ever since he came to the GCH. But we can take you there if you want!" Kenzie offered.

"What? Take us where killers are recuperating? No thanks!" Karen exclaimed and shook her head.

"That would be great!" Their father said with a genuine smile causing the two two widen their eyes.

"We can go now! If you want..." I said.

I wanted to go there anyway.

They agreed to go there now so we went to the parking lot.

They followed us to the Cliff side Road until we arrived at the GCH.

Everyone greeted me immediately but their intimidating lools immediately turned to the family behind us.

"Where's Phoenix?" I asked Hyekyo who greeted me.

"He took a shower!" She said.

"How did you know that?!" Lara suddely raised her tone while glaring at her.

"Jealous much? Don't worry! This woman is married!" Kenzie said and laughed at Lara.

"Follow me to the lounge!" She said and we followed her.

We waited at the lounge for a few minutes. Hyekyo came back earlier wirth foods but left immediately.

"Wow! All your properties are always luxurious!" Karen exclaimed while looking around the decorations of the lounge.

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