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Cyril's Pov

Karen and I are busy cooking our dinner. Meanwhile, at the living room. The girls are just busy having a pillow fight.

"My mom already agreed! She said she'll let me and my unnie transfer at the school! But only if we take our butler with us!" Karen said while busy cutting onions.

"That's alright! We're not transferring there for vacation anyway. Everyone's saying the city is gold! Whoever goes there become successful! Just like Kessie's twin brother! Moving to that city despite the killings is better than to stay in this toxic city!" I said and she agreed.

"I really want to meet Kessie's twin brother. I wonder if they look alike!" Karen said as she giggles.

"Besides! Once we go to DDC! Ierre can finally start to search for her step brother! She's been looking forward to it ever since this idea came up!" I said then thoughts of their reunion with their brother suddenly made me feel very happy.

We finished cooking our dinner and called everyone to eat.
We had fun talking at the table. Regarding of course when we move to DDC. Which is only two weeks away now.

But I notice that Kessie is a bit preoccupied. She didn't join any of our topic and just continue to eat slowly just like what she always does.

Actually among us, Kessie is the first to oppose the idea of moving to DDC. She didn't tell us why but as soon as the majority agreed, she agreed as well.

"Kessie! Are you alright?" I asked and everyone looked at her.

"I'm alright! Don't mind me!" she said and forced a smile.

She's been a little off ever since we left the mall. I think she's upset because we left early.

We continue to eat dinner when the doorbell rung.

"I'll take care of it!" I stood up and walk to the door.

"Good evening!" a handsome man in black greeted smiling at me.

"Good evening!" a handsome man in black greeted smiling at me

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"H-hi! Good evening!" I greeted back.

"Who are you?" I asked politely.

"My name is Kenzie! I'm pretty sure you've heard of me!" He said still smiling.

After hearing his name. I immediately screamed out of happiness for Kessie.

I pulled him inside to the dining room calling Kessie.
Everyone were confused who the man is while Kessie is so surprised to see his brother.

"W-what! What are you doing here!!?" She sounded so shocked.

Oh my gosh!!! This is so cute! I can never forget things like this.

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