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At Heart Kingdom...

Queen Lorophechika got vision that Clover Kingdom being attacked by reincarnated elves.She saw many destruction death blood everywhere.

"Undine..please gather Hearth Knight asap"Lorophechika said to her water guardian.

Undine then without hesitation used her water magic to call Heart Knight


Jammie was sparring with Remulus.Both of them quite powerful.Athena just had breakfast with breakfast with Teeta and Hans.

"Seriously they still spar from dawn.So crazy"said Hans who ate sandwich.

"Well what can we say..Remus being taught Ki so they frequently fight"Teeta said.

"Man rivalvry always end with battle"Athena just sipped her cup of jasmine tea.

Undine appearred from a lake.All noticed her.

"Whats wrong Undine"Jamie asked as he was shirtless.

"The Queen ask all of you meet her at usual got nice abs Jammie"said Undine before vanishing.

Jammie just gulped.

"Seriously"Teeta rolled up her eyes.


"Glad you came my knights"Loropechika said from her throne.

"Whats wrong my queen"Hans asked her.

"I got vision that Clover Kingdom being attacked by reincarnated elves.I believe it has related with demon prescene"Loropechika said seriously

"Is it by Spade ?"Athena asked

"No.its just low rank demon.So i need you guys go help them.Sir Naruto and Sir Alice will accompany you"said Loropechika.

Jammie and his friends nodded.Loropechika said they will leave on this evening.

"Jammie..i need you to stay.I need a talk with you"said Loropechika.

Jammie friends left the castle.He with Loropechika and Undine.

"So my queen..what is it important now"Jammie asked.

"Someone want to meet you.I believe he know you"Loropechika said.

Suddenly a black dust appeared and it formed a person that Jammie afraid

Pitch Black!

Jammie grimoire float and flipped up.He took out his angel sword and in fight stance.

"How dare you..pitch"Jammie growled.

"Listen up Jammie..i came here in peace as its about Jack"Pitch hold up his hands.

Jammie shocked.

"Queen Loropechika told me that you obtain angel grimoire isnt true"Pitch asked him.

" what is it about"Jammie asked Pitch.

"I need you to defeat the demon"Pitch said.

"Why Jack dont do that"Jammie astonished.

"Its because elf.Jack and I were elf in our previous life.When the reincarnation happen..those people who are doppleganger will reincarnated as elves.Elves soul will control the owner body."Pitch explained to Jammie

"Thats mean you and Jack "Jammie speech cut off by Loropechika.

"They wont as they had used that reincarnated spell.So they wont except Jack as he used his prohibitted spell in young his old memories will reincarnated"Lorophecika explained.

Pitch nodded.Jammie shocked.

"So what we are waiting for"


[So  this chap short as the real ARC begin..ha2..]

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