Cold As Ice

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Bright early in the morning Renee made her way into the hospital, Mark was by her side holding Ilaria's hand as the little girl walked beside him, they hadn't had a chance to talk about anything, Ren had spent the entire night being awake in case anything happens with Izzie. Izzie hadn't woken up from the surgery and while it was completely normal for some patients to wake a latter than usual, she couldn't help but be worried. They were about to enter the elevator when Renee's pager went off, it was a message from Derek, Izzie's awake.

"Izzie's awake," she said to Mark who nodded.

"That's good,"

"Could you drop her off in the daycare? I have to run," 

"Yeah," Mark said as he pressed a kiss to Renee's lips.

"Bye, my love," she said to Ilaria before pressing a kiss to her cheek and running off. Mark watched her before turning back to Ilaria, who seemed very much interested in his penlight, turning it off and on repeatedly.

"Come on, baby girl, let's get you to the daycare,"

"Did you get the whole thing? Did you get the whole tumour out?"

"Just let me finish my exam. Can you tell me your name?" Derek asked.

"My name is Isobel Stevens. It's 2009.  And I'm in the ... neuro I.C.U. at Seattle Grace hospital. Did you get the damn thing out?"

"Got the whole damn thing," Derek gave her a smile.

"Did you get it?"


"Oh, god. You got the whole thing. And I can talk and I know my name and I'm not a turnip. nope. No offence,"

"Oh, no,"

"You are a great surgeon, but I really thought I was gonna be a turnip. This is so unbelievably great,"

"Your, uh, kidneys are a little sluggish, So we're just gonna keep an eye on your electrolytes for a few hours. Your post-op crit was ... was fine," Christina said.

"Okay, good. good. Good. How did the surgery go? Did you get the brain tumour? Did you get it out?" Izzie asked. Renee exchanged eye contact with Derek, this wasn't good, she could feel the panic building up in the room, Alex looked like he was about to break down again.

"Iz, you just asked him that. We just talked about it," Alex said.

"No, no, it's okay. She's gonna be foggy for a while. The tumour's out. There was a little bleeding during the post..." Derek said.

"You got it? yeah. All of it? mm-hmm. That's amazing. Derek Shepherd, you ... are a hero. And I know that that's Derek Shepherd. And you're Alex. and you should kiss me. Alex ... I don't have a brain tumour, I'm tumour-free,"

"Yes, you are,"

"What's wrong? Why do you look weird?"

"No, nothing. nothing. Uh, your kidneys are a little slow. We're just gonna watch them," Renee said as she gave Izzie a calming smile.

"Okay. So you'll just recheck my electrolytes in an hour?" Izzie asked.


"Okay. How did the surgery go? Did you get the tumour?" Derek looked up from his chart, he looked worried, Christina and Renee exchanged a glance, this was what they were afraid of, Izzie losing memory but this was something else, her short-term retention was working well, it seemed botched.

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