Family full of surprises (Chapter 2)

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A/N Hey guys sorry it took so long wattpad has been acting an complete ass and deleting my parts everytime I'd write but I finally did it! So yay!
-Also found out that someone tried to steal my story. Please do me a favor if you're reading my story don't steal it, thanks! Enjoy!



"Momma", Poke. "Momma" , Poke. "Momma" , Poke. "Momma" , Poke. "Momma!"

Oh. My. God. Thought the older brunette as she was trying to sleep. But once she felt it again she finally gave up and looked up to see what was going on.

"Momma, you mwust gwet up mommy swaid dat I gwet to swee all my aunties twoday and I gwet to pway with mwax, and evweryone! " logan said excitedly while bouncing on Lauren's back making her groan.

"I'm up, I'm up" lauren said which caused the young brown haired boy to frown. "no you not momma, you eyes swtill cwlosed." lauren sighed and decided to finally get up.

"oh, alright buddy I'm up, but first you have to give me morning kisses. " she said while tickling her sons stomach and then with her lips poked out. Causing logan to erupt into fits of laughter bringing the attention to Lauren's wife camila.


" Yay, momma you up now it took all da twime!" camila couldn't help but laugh at her sons choice of words as he shrugged.

"mommy, I fwinally gwot momma up so now we gwo!" the young boy said to camila with so much excitement and trying to grad her hand and go.

"Wait, wait, sure baby we'll leave but we have to wait for mamma to get herself up and dressed, then we can go and meet up with everyone ok I promise." camila said while sitting on the edge of the bed, the young boy on her lap. Logan's eyes grew bigger he was just so happy. "well come on momma hwurry up, no take that long" logan said as his voice faded down the hall as he ran back to his bedroom.

"you know he's right, we do need to go in a little bit so.. " camila said after it was still quite. She crawled up to lauren, sitting on her member and softly kissed behind her hear and moved to her hear lobe, making her moan not only at what she was doing but at the position she was in. "come on get up babe, and you'll get something special when we get back." and if you think that didn't work then your crazy. Lauren got up so fast that she knocked camila off her lap causing her to hit her elbow on the edge of the bed. "OUCH!" camila said while rubbing her elbow, "thanks a lot babe" camila called out to lauren. Lauren turned around and smiled "sorry baby, but you heard logan he said it's time to get up and now look who's laying down." she said with a wink, camila just shook her head and stood up.

Camila had never seen lauren move so fast in a long time that is and it was one funny sight. Camila knew that she had turned lauren on which is why she was like that. Lauren got straight up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Camila giggled to herself then looked down at her outfit and decided that it was fine.

She had on some dark blue jeans and a plain white long sleeve crop top, and some white wedged heels with a blue cardigan. She hasn't really changed her style from the last three years. Except for the bows, she just doesn't wear them as much but she will still wear one sometime.

Since lauren had finally got up and she was already dressed she decided to go downstairs and check on logan because it was quiet , to quiet for him to be in the house.

As she made it downstairs she noticed that logan was sitting in the living room playing with his Lego blocks and cars. Now she was just wishing that her lovely wife lauren would hurry up with her shower.

Family full of surprises(Camren)Where stories live. Discover now