Christmas Special: Season of Joy

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(Hey guys. This special takes place ahead of the main story, so if your wondering why some elements don't keep with the plot that's why. Enjoy.)

Weiss had by now stopped trying to keep Ruby from bouncing all over the building that Team Godzilla had called their base in Mantle.

It was Christmas Eve, and everywhere the group looked there were parents and siblings looking for the gift the other wanted.

However, this time there were a few Kaiju around this holiday season.

Godzilla and his fellow Kaiju were confused by Christmas. In fact until recently, none of them had participated in this apparently important event.

Mothra however was a bit familiar with the holiday, and just chuckled at Ruby's excitement.

"Ruby. Did you ask Santa for anything, this year?" She asked.

Ruby stopped and nodded. "Some parts so I can finish repairing Crescent Rose." She replied. "I just wish I had my shaft though. Some of the parts used for it are very rare, not to mention expensive."

"Can't you just get more?" Blake asked.

Ruby shook her head. "No. The alloy alone is at least a couple thousand lien. The mechanisms for Crescent Rose I had to build by hand, with several high quality parts. The only reason I could make it in the first place was because Signal had it already." She explained. "I hate to say it, but the shaft was very important, and with it buried under the rubble in Atlas Crater, I'll have to make due with second hand materials."

Ruby's mood dropped, but Weiss was also upset about something else.

This was the first Christmas that Winter wasn't going to come to. Being eaten by a three-headed dragon makes that a bit difficult.

She sighed, which caught Ruby's attention.

Godzilla had been listening to Ruby wanting the shaft of Crescent Rose. His mind went back to when he pulled her weapon out from the rubble.

If the blade barrel and firing chamber was there, then the shaft and trigger might be buried under the rubble as well.

"I'm getting some air." Godzilla stated. "I'll be back later."

Ruby looked at the King of the Monsters in confusion, but Mothra just smirked.

"Don't be gone too long, big guy." She said.

"Is he okay?" Ruby asked.

"He's fine." Mothra replied. "He just gets restless on nights like this."

"Can't say I blame him." Weiss added. "Still... He's very protective of us I've noticed."

"Of course he is." Mothra replied. "We're his pack mates."

Weiss was about to ask another question, but sudden weight on her shoulder caused her to see that her girlfriend had fallen asleep on her.

"I suppose we should get some sleep." Yang said. "We've got presents to open tomorrow."

"We'll take first watch." Muto stated.

"Okay, guess I'm with you again." Rodan sighed.

-A few hours later, Atlas Crater.-

Godzilla threw away what rubble he could, searching for Ruby's weapon shaft. So far he hadn't been successful.

Out of frustration he blasted some debris with his Atomic Breath blowing it to smithereens.

After he literally vented his frustration on some broken concrete, a glint of something metallic caught his eye.

Curious, he moved to what he saw, revealing it to be a small blade or a spike.

Godzilla grabbed the object and pulled it towards him, cutting his hand up while doing so.

The wound healed quickly, and he kept pulling on the object, until he dislodged it from it's imprisonment.

It was the weapon shaft of Crescent Rose.

It was scratched up, but showed no real damage otherwise.

Godzilla started climbing out of the crater, holding his prize. Soon enough though, he made it to the top of the crater, only to be met by some Grimm.

(Looks like I'll be fighting my way back.) Godzilla thought.

The Grimm charged him as Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath at them.

-Christmas Day.-

Everyone was awake and had started opening their presents.

Yang had gotten a new jacket to replace the one that Ghidorah had ruined during their fight with him.

Blake had gotten the latest issue of Ninjas of Love, which was something of a guilty pleasure of hers.

Weiss had actually gotten something from her father that wasn't just some makeup. She had gotten some Hardlight Dust. She figured he was trying to get on her good side so she would go back home. She wouldn't though, her real family was already with her.

Nora had gotten all the pancakes she could eat, which was a present enough for her. Ren always did spoil her in that regard.

Ruby had gotten some weapon magazines which she liked,  but no such luck on the components she needed for Crescent Rose.

She was sad that she didn't get what she actually wanted, but she was happy for the magazines.

Godzilla opened the door, entering the building and sighed.

"I have something for you, Ruby." He said, exhaustion clear in his voice.

Ruby looked puzzled, but gasped as she saw what Godzilla was holding in his hand.

The Kaiju handed the weapon shaft to the young Huntress who looked just about ready to cry.

"Where... how?" She stuttered.

"Atlas Crater." Godzilla replied. "Is that what you needed?"

Yes! I... I-I don't know what to say, I.... Thank you! Thank you so much, Godzilla." Ruby said, tears flowing freely from her eyes as Godzilla smiled at her.

"Merry Christmas." He said.

And that's that. I hope you enjoyed the very first special I've done, and again this isn't part of the canon storyline. As always though, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve. Merry Christmas guys, and a Happy New Year.

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