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Ethan" what is Harry doi-" Harry"go blow your dad you daddy asshole!!!" Ethan face palms. JJ" Simon?" He was hiding so was vik. Josh" can only virgins see this stuff is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" They look at him in a wired face. Tobi ran to JJ Tobi" glad to meet you before you die!" They looked at him JJ" okay that hurt my feelings.." Tobi laughed. Vik"best feeling ever!" Simon" oh yeah?" Harry" try tickling your pickle for the first time!" Ethan laughed Ethan"what!" Josh" it doesn't matter smell like to me señor!" Ethan" o-ok ok I can smell that from here!" Josh" it's probably just your breathe going back into your face." Ethan" ow that hurt!" He laughed
There filming a crime.
Josh" you can try and deceive us, But be warned that we are familiar with law enforcement countermeasures and tactics. You stand on your 99% chance of killing your daughter if you try and out smart us. Follow our instructions. And you have a 100% of getting her back" Harry " fucking mathematician over here?" Josh" I know this guy is a smug piece of shit!" Hardy" " I crushed the numbers" " josh"hahahahaha!! I've run the permutations through my little computer and all of them say ' you fucked ' " harry" ' my murder laptop' " Josh" my muuurder laptops hahahahah!!"
( another video crime )
Harry" open and shut. I don't get this!" Vik wheezes Harry" it—- its all there!" Vik" is this Gonna be your Occam Razer thing that you always cite?" Harry" I think perhaps they slammed into the ocean and sank to the bottom of the sea." Vik" there gonna comb that ocean baby when they do-" Harry" no one can comb the ocean they're gonna drag ocean." Vik" they're gonna comb the shit out of it." Harry" no. The ocean no." He starts to laugh.
( another video )
Simon" roughly around later on august 5th 1918 in an undisclosed home location Mrs Ed Schneider was found by her husband in the afternoon at their home mrs Schneider was still alive and rushed to charity hospital and would reportedly survive the attack upon investigation it discovered that there axes was missing from there shed mrs Schneider was also pregnant and I'm happy to report that in a week following the attack she successfully gave birth!" Ethan" good for her!" Simon" yeah, that's uh.." Ethan" that's something." Simon" that's a super Mum right there!" Ethan" is that the only axe- baby in outta this whole story?" Simon" I think... yeah I think that's uh..." Ethan" can you imagine being an axe baby?" Simon" I don't.. I don't know if that's a thing." Ethan" I'd go around telling. Everybody: " one on one" Simon" my mum took a.." Ethan" one-of-kind baby axe- baby." Simon face palms.
( another one )
Tobi" could belong to a tall women of European decent and. Earhart was 5'7  or 5'8 " JJ" that like a foot taller than you!" Tobi sighs Tobi" I knew you're gonna say that I'm 5 10! By the way so." JJ did the "" signal Tobi" no there's no quotes there!" JJ" well when you ware your special shoes" tobi" no no no that's  from the doctor!" JJ" yes your shoes are from the doctor" Tobi" no!" He wheezes Tobi" no there not!" JJ" yes they are!" Tobi" I'm 5' 10 damm it!"
( another one )
Harry" who sold his son?" Josh" yeah , he rented. Place to this guy, who sold his son." Harry" he sold his son!" Josh" witch is wired because unless he was there to actually se the sale go down, that's not something you really tell somebody in passing.." Harry laugh" I know, " well the place is beautiful I'm selling my son tomorrow I'll take it! How much was it?" " Josh" " how manny bedrooms won't need one of them?" " Harry" 60 bucks! Can you believe it!" Josh wheezes Harry" how much is the rent agin?" Josh" hahahahhahahaha!!"
( another one )
Vik" LBJ seemed like a cool cool guy." Tobi" wait, you just said he seems like a dumb-ass! So you're!" Vik" yeah, he does. but he's like a bro."
( another one )
Tobi" I guess she's been afraid of water for her whole life and she can't swim." JJ" prolly— probably put on a life vest or something." Tobi" well why would she even attempt to do this?" JJ" or even attempt I her nightgown no less..." Tobi " ye." JJ" in her nightgown or less!" Tobi tabard why it's strange I guess I'm drunk I-I-I" JJ" I've done some stupid things.." Tobi" I guess I would attempt to do things that Ian scare did the.
( another one )
Josh" saw Lizzie wearing an unstated blue dress could have committed the murder and then changed while Maggie slept but the time frame was very slim and dressed in that time period but of a process to take it on and off this seems unlikely." Harry"she could've gotten the dress on it's not that hard." Josh" apparently it was pretty hard I'd like to see you put a dress on that time period! That- that came out wired I would not that to see you in a dress I you know what you get what I'm saying!" Harry"move along move along."
(Another one )
Vik" he probably fucks the dolls can I say that?" Harry" pff wait wha.." they laugh Simon" I thought you have respect for this place but." Harry" nope just straight he fucks the dolls you know what I agree." They both laugh Simon" this is getting way of topic!" Harry" yeah yeah sorry hahahaha!!"
( another one )
Ethan" just around 3:00 on Cooper sends a note first she just put it in her  pocket without looking. But then Cooper said quite miss you better look at that note. I have a bomb end would."  Tobi" hahahahah.. " Ethan" wait, what's so funny about that? He has a bomb." Tobi"I think it's funny that he passed her a note to be discreet about it,like, " hey.. keep this on the Down low"- and she was like thanks!" Ethan laughs Tobi" and walked away and he was like hey uhhh I you might wanna read that I have a bomb no uhhh god dammit yeah I got a bomb everybod."
( then not having it )
Josh" this just in theory five the list of Roanoke disappears due to a Zombie plague." Harry" no.." he flips his hands in the air saying he's not having it Harry" no no!" Josh" heheheh." He c went to hot him josh" let me hear me out I got something for ya."

Simon" life insurance salesman became infuriated began yelling at George quote your godamm house is going up in smoke and your children are going to be destroyed you're going to be paid for the dirty remarks you have been making about Mussolini end quote." Ethan" hahahaha! Right we solved it!" Simon was laughing most of the time Ethan" well it's been fun! See ya later I will set this house on fire and your children are going to die oh who could that be? Who could've done this?"

Vik" Bahamas linked to aquatic alien activity referred to as underwater Area 51" JJ" oh Jesus Christ!" Vik started to laugh JJ" okay tell me about Area 51 then." Vik" oh that's it." JJ" that's it?" Vik" that's it yeah there's nothing eels." He a picture of Area 51 JJ" shopped to high heaven!" Vik" what makes you say that?" JJ" I mean look at it! That is the shittest thing footage I've ever that is so fake! That opacity down as it gets to the cloud."

Harry" residents of the legendary. Lost civilians of Atlantis." Ethan starts to laugh Ethan" no no there not are they breathing in water? Nope." Harry" now all of the frustration I had in the first half this is not equally composited on top of you." Ethan" are they breathing underwater?"

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